Hurricane Sandy Expense and Capital Estimate by Agency | Last Updated 11 May 2022

This dataset contains the funding amount for Hurricane Sandy expenses, Capital Repair, and Capital Mitigation expenditures by agency. The reporting unit for expenses is listed in whole dollars. This information is reviewed and updated quarterly.

Tags: nyc omb, hurricane sandy recovery, hurricane sandy expense, hurricane sandy capital, mayor’s message, mm

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PUBLICATION DATEpub_dttext8-digit number for date of publication (e. g. 20200416)
FISCAL YEARfisc_yrtext4-digit year to identify a period of twelve months that begins July 1 and ends the following June 30
AGENCY NAMEagy_nmtextIdentifies the Related New York City Agency
EXPENSEexpnumberDisbursement of Funding
CAPITAL REPAIRcap_reprnumberFunding Used to Provide Emergency Capital Repairs
CAPITAL MITIGATIONcap_mgtnnumberFunding Used on Projects to Reduce Future Disaster Costs and Losses