2015-2016 Discharge Reporting School Level - HS

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 9 May 2022

This report provides data regarding students enrolled in New York City schools during the 2015-2016 school year, according to the guidelines set by Local Law 2011/042. At the citywide, borough and district levels, the DOE is required to report discharge, transfer and graduation counts by grade level (middle school only), cohort (high school only) and disability status. At the school level, the DOE is required to report discharge and transfer counts by grade level (middle school only), cohort (high school only), disability status broken down by, age as of 12/31 of the previous calendar year age, race/ethnicity, and gender.

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Geographic Unitgeographic_unittext
School Nameschool_nametext
Student Categorystudent_categorytext
Code Typecode_typetext
Count of Studentscount_of_studentstext
Total Enrolled Studentstotal_enrolled_studentstext