Projected Public School Ratio | Last Updated 30 Jan 2024

Estimated number of students to be generated by future housing growth.

Tags: school, construction, authority, sca, students

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Community School Districtcommunity_school_districtnumber
Children aged 4-10 contributed per housing unitchildren_aged_4_10_contributed_per_housing_unitnumberNumber Of Children Ages 4-10 Attending Public Schools Contributed Per New Housing Unit
Children aged 11-13 contributed per housing unitchildren_aged_11_13_contributed_per_housing_unitnumberNumber Of Children Ages 11-13 Attending Public Schools Contributed Per New Housing Unit
Children aged 14-17 contributed per housing unitchildren_aged_14_17_contributed_per_housing_unitnumberNumber Of Children Ages 14-17 Attending Public Schools Contributed Per New Housing Unit
Data As Ofdata_as_ofcalendar_date