Wi-Fi in Public Space (Open Space)

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 23 Sep 2022

Wi-Fi in Public Space (Open Space) is an analysis of the ‘NYC Wi-Fi Hotspot Locations’ OpenData records focused on the use of Wi-Fi in open spaces (in public parks and on Governors Island).

Tags: public space, open space (parks), parks properties, park, hotspot, wi-fi, wifi, public wi-fi, public hotspots, wi-fi access points, broadband

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
OIDoidnumberA unique identification number assigned to each location in the dataset.
Hotspot Dataset Object IDhotspot_dataset_object_idnumberIdentification number for each individual hotspot.
Public Space (Open Space) Namepublic_space_open_space_nametextThe name of the Public Space (Open Space) where the Wi-Fi Hotspot is located.
Public Space (Open Space) Proximitypublic_space_open_spacetextLocation of Wi-Fi Hotspot as it relates to the Public Space (Open Space).
Borough Nameborough_nametextThe Borough of New York City where the Wi-Fi Hotspot is located.
Neighborhood Tabulation Area Code (NTA CODE)neighborhood_tabulation_areatextFour (4) digit code assigned to neighborhoods to differentiate NYC's five boroughs where the Wi-Fi Hotspot is located.
Neighborhood Tabulation Area Name (NTA NAME)neighborhood_tabulation_area_1textNeighborhood identifiers to differentiate areas within NYC's five boroughs where the Wi-Fi Hotspot is located.
Number of Access Points per Public Space (Open Space)number_of_access_points_pernumberNumber of Wi-Fi Hotspot Access Points per each Public Space (Open Space) in dataset.
ProviderprovidertextName of entity that is providing the Wi-Fi connection to the public.
SSIDssidtextThe name of the Wi-Fi Hotspot seen on an individual's device.
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude: Points that fall North or South of the Equator, expressed in degrees.
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude: Points that fall East or West of the Prime Meridian, expressed in degrees.
Published Datepublished_datecalendar_dateThe date on which the data was made available for review by the general public and appointing agencies.