2010 - 2016 School Safety Report

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 9 May 2022

Since 1998, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has been tasked with the collection and maintenance of crime data for incidents that occur in New York City public schools. The NYPD has provided this data to the New York City Department of Education (DOE). The DOE has compiled this data by schools and locations for the information of our parents and students, our teachers and staff, and the general public. In some instances, several Department of Education learning communities co-exist within a single building. In other instances, a single school has locations in several different buildings. In either of these instances, the data presented here is aggregated by building location rather than by school, since safety is always a building-wide issue. We use “consolidated locations” throughout the presentation of the data to indicate the numbers of incidents in buildings that include more than one learning community.

Tags: school, safety, report, nypd, lifelong learning

This dataset has the following 34 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
School Yearschool_yeartext
Building Codebuilding_codetext
Location Namelocation_nametextthe name by which the organization is known. For a learning community, it is the official title of the school.
Location Codelocation_codetexta unique identifier that can include schools, administrative offices, learning communities, etc. When the Learning_Community_Name = ‘School’, the Location_Code is a combination of the borough code and the school number.
Addressaddresstextthe school’s address (building number and street name).
BoroughboroughtextNYC Boro the location is situated in
Geographical District Codegeographical_district_codetextthe school’s geographical district as defined by the NYC Department of Education.
RegisterregistertextNumber of students on register
Building Namebuilding_nametextthe official name of the building a school is located in
# Schoolsschoolstextnumber of schools in in the building
Schools in Buildingschools_in_buildingtextnames of the schools in the buildings
Major Nmajor_ntextnumber of major crimes
Oth Noth_ntextnumber of other crimes
NoCrim Nnocrim_ntextnumber of non-criminal crimes
Prop Nprop_ntextnumber of property crimes
Vio Nvio_ntextnumber of violent crimes
ENGroupAengroupatextgroup name that the building population falls under
RangeArangeatextbuilding population
AvgOfMajor Navgofmajor_ntextaverage of major crimes for all buildings that have the same EnGroupA/Range A
AvgOfOth Navgofoth_ntextaverage of other crimes for all buildings that have the same EnGroupA/Range A
AvgOfNoCrim Navgofnocrim_ntextaverage of non-criminal crimes for all buildings that have the same EnGroupA/Range A
AvgOfProp Navgofprop_ntextaverage of property crimes for all buildings that have the same EnGroupA/Range A
AvgOfVio Navgofvio_ntextaverage of violent crimes for all buildings that have the same EnGroupA/Range A
Borough Nameborough_nametext
Community Boardcommunity_boardnumber
Council Districtcommunity_councilnumber
Census Tractcensus_tractnumber