Steam Consumption And Cost (2010 - Feb 2023) | Last Updated 11 Apr 2023

Monthly consumption and cost data by borough and development. Data set includes utility vendor and meter information.

Tags: steam consumption and cost

This dataset has the following 23 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Development Namedevelopment_nametextThe name of the housing development as listed in the Development Data Book.
BoroughboroughtextBronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, or Staten Island.
Account Nameaccount_nametextThe name of the housing development as listed in the Development Data Book.
Locationlocationtext"Building number. In order to run an analysis by building, you can use a combination of TDS and building number which gives a unique identifier for each building"
Meter AMRmeter_amrtextIs the meter Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Interval or none
Meter Scopemeter_scopetextThe buildings or areas the account and meter supply
TDS #tdsnumberTDS (Tenant Data System) number is the unique identifier for all NCYHA developments. It is recommended to use it in order to run analysis by development. The TDS is also the unique link between NYCHA data sets.
EDPedpnumberNYCHA Electronic Data Processing. Number used to identify individual NYCHA developments. EDP is used by NYCHA only to link data issued from a different system (the energy management system that was used by NYCHA before 2010). It is recommended to use the TDS # as a unique identifier of each development.
RC Coderc_codetext"NYCHA budget responsibility code. Code representing a specific development. "
Funding Sourcefunding_sourcetext"The development’s funding source including Federal, Mixed Finance, or an indication that the facility is a non development facility which means a non residential facility."
AMP #amptextAbbreviation for Asset Management Project (AMP) numbers. HUD Development asset tracking number. An AMP number can consist of more than one development.
Vendor Namevendor_nametextUtility vendor name
UMIS BILL IDumis_bill_idnumber
Revenue Monthrevenue_monthtextYear and month of bill: 2016-01
Service Start Dateservice_start_datecalendar_dateBill start date
Service End Dateservice_end_datecalendar_dateBill end date
# daysdaysnumberNumber of days on bill
Meter Numbermeter_numbertextMeter number
EstimatedestimatedtextMeter was not read for the time period. The consumption and cost are estimated. (Data is updated with actual reads once the meter is read)
Current Chargescurrent_chargesnumberTotal costs
Rate Classrate_classtextThe rate applied to the account. Details about each rate (dollar value) are available on the vendor web site.
Bill Analyzedbill_analyzedtextThe bill was analyzed for billing errors by NYCHA's Utility Management system during the billing period
Consumption (Mlbs)consumption_mlbsnumberTotal Mlbs consumption