Bureau of Fire Prevention - Inspections (Historical)

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 14 Mar 2024

<b>NOTE:</b> <i>The source database for this dataset has been decommissioned. No new data will be added to this dataset.</i> This dataset contains permit and Bureau of Fire Prevention inspection information by account holder. Each building may have more than one permit holder. Each permit holder may have multiple permits in multiple buildings.

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ACCT_IDacct_idnumberRecord Key
ALPHAalphatextHazardous Level
OWNER_NAMEowner_nametextPermit Account Owner Name
LAST_VISIT_DTlast_visit_dtcalendar_dateLatest Date of Bureau of Fire Prevention visit
LAST_FULL_INSP_DTlast_full_insp_dtcalendar_dateLatest Date of Bureau of Fire Prevention full inspection
LAST_INSP_STATlast_insp_stattextStatus of latest Fire Prevention inspection
PREM_ADDRprem_addrtextPremises Address
BINbinnumberBuilding Identification Number
COMMUNITY BOARDcommunitydistrictnumberBuilding Community Board
COUNCIL DISTRICTcitycouncildistrictnumberBuidling Council District
BBLbblnumberBuilding Block Lot
LATITUDEcent_latitudenumberLatitude of Building Centroid
LONGITUDEcent_longitudenumberLongitude of Building Centroid
POSTCODEzipcodenumberBuilding ZIP Code
BOROUGHboroughtextBuilding Borough
Census Tractcensus_tractnumber