1995 Street Tree Census

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 13 Dec 2023

Citywide street tree data from the 1995 Street Tree Census, conducted by volunteers organized by NYC Parks & Recreation. Trees were inventoried by address, and were collected from 1995-1996. Data collected includes tree species, diameter, condition.

Tags: parks, trees, census, recreation, volunteers, inventory

This dataset has the following 30 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
RecordIdrecordidnumberA unique identifier for each record in the table. Does not correspond to other datasets or identify the tree itself.
AddressaddresstextAddress of the tree.
House_Numberhouse_numbernumberNumerical portion of the address.
StreetstreettextStreet where address for tree is located.
Postcode_Originalzip_originalnumberThe zip code originally geocoded to the address using LION 02A
Community Board_Originalcb_originalnumberThe community board originally geocoded to the address using LION 02A
SitesitetextThis field clarifies the position relative to the address for trees not located in the front of buildings.
SpeciesspeciestextSpecies of the tree using a four-letter code, comprised of the first two letters of the genus followed by the first two letters of the species.
DiameterdiameternumberDiameter of the tree as measured at approximately 4.5 feet from the ground.
ConditionconditiontextOverall tree condition.
WireswirestextWhether the tree is located under utility wires
Sidewalk_Conditionsidewalk_conditiontextWhether the tree roots have lifted the adjacent sidewalk.
Support_Structuresupport_structuretextWhether the tree has support structures installed.
BoroughboroughtextBorough where tree was recorded.
XxnumberX coordinate of point in the NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet coordinate system, geocoded using LION 02A
YynumberY coordinate of point in the NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet coordinate system, geocoded using LION 02A
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of point in decimal degrees as geocoded using LION 02A
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of point in decimal degrees as geocoded using LION 02A
CB_Newcb_newnumberCommunity Board geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
Zip_Newzip_newnumberZip Code geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
CensusTract_2010censustract_2010number2010 Census Tract geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
CensusBlock_2010censusblock_2010number2010 Census Block geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
NTA_2010nta_2010textNeighborhood Tabulation Area geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
SegmentIDsegmentidnumberLION SegmentID geocoded to the address using Geosupport 11.4
Spc_Commonspc_commontextThis is the common name for the species of this tree.
Spc_Latinspc_latintextThis is the latin/scientific name for the species of this tree.
Council Districtcouncil_districtnumber