NYPD Arrest Data (Year to Date)

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 22 Apr 2024

This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD during the current year. This data is manually extracted every quarter and reviewed by the Office of Management Analysis and Planning. Each record represents an arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to suspect demographics is also included. This data can be used by the public to explore the nature of police enforcement activity. Please refer to the attached data footnotes for additional information about this dataset.

Tags: arrest, crime, law enforcement, public safety, nypd

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ARREST_KEYarrest_keytextRandomly generated persistent ID for each arrest
ARREST_DATEarrest_datecalendar_dateExact date of arrest for the reported event
PD_CDpd_cdnumberThree digit internal classification code (more granular than Key Code)
PD_DESCpd_desctextDescription of internal classification corresponding with PD code (more granular than Offense Description)
KY_CDky_cdnumberThree digit internal classification code (more general category than PD code)
OFNS_DESCofns_desctextDescription of internal classification corresponding with KY code (more general category than PD description)
LAW_CODElaw_codetextLaw code charges corresponding to the NYS Penal Law, VTL and other various local laws
LAW_CAT_CDlaw_cat_cdtextLevel of offense: felony, misdemeanor, violation
ARREST_BOROarrest_borotextBorough of arrest. B(Bronx), S(Staten Island), K(Brooklyn), M(Manhattan), Q(Queens)
ARREST_PRECINCTarrest_precinctnumberPrecinct where the arrest occurred
JURISDICTION_CODEjurisdiction_codenumberJurisdiction responsible for arrest. Jurisdiction codes 0(Patrol), 1(Transit) and 2(Housing) represent NYPD whilst codes 3 and more represent non NYPD jurisdictions
AGE_GROUPage_grouptextPerpetrator’s age within a category
PERP_SEXperp_sextextPerpetrator’s sex description
PERP_RACEperp_racetextPerpetrator’s race description
X_COORD_CDx_coord_cdnumberMidblock X-coordinate for New York State Plane Coordinate System, Long Island Zone, NAD 83, units feet (FIPS 3104)
Y_COORD_CDy_coord_cdnumberMidblock Y-coordinate for New York State Plane Coordinate System, Long Island Zone, NAD 83, units feet (FIPS 3104)
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude coordinate for Global Coordinate System, WGS 1984, decimal degrees (EPSG 4326)
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude coordinate for Global Coordinate System, WGS 1984, decimal degrees (EPSG 4326)
New Georeferenced Columngeocoded_columnpoint