Synthetic Turf Fields | Last Updated 30 Jun 2021

Synthetic turf systems located on NYC Parks properties.

Tags: recreation, athletics, sports, facilities

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SYSTEMsystemtextUnique ID for the synthetic turf system
PARENTIDparentidtextThe ID of the park property where the synthetic turf system is located
DEPARTMENTdepartmenttextThe Parks maintenance district where the synthetic turf system is located
DESCRIPTIONdescriptiontextDescription of the synthetic turf system
SYNTURF_Locationsynturf_locationtextClosest cross streets to the synthetic turf system.
System_Typesystem_typetextThe type of synthetic turf system.
Turf_Typeturf_typetextThe type of synthetic turf construction.
Infill_Materialinfill_materialtextThe type of fill used for systems of Turf_Type Infill.
JOPjopcheckboxIndicates if the synthetic turf system is within a Jointly Operated Playground.
Maint_Bymaint_bytextThe party responsible for the general maintenance of the synthetic turf system.
Maint_By_Specmaint_by_spectextThe specific party responsible for general maintenance of the synthetic turf system.
Construction_Entityconstruction_entitytextThe entity responsible for the construction or replacement of the synthetic turf system.
Construction_Entity_Specconstruction_entity_spectextThe specific entity responsible for the construction or reconstruction of the synthetic turf system.
Contract_Typecontract_typetextThe type of funding contract utilized for the construction or replacement of the synthetic turf system.
Contract_Numbercontract_numbertextThe contract number under which the sythetic turf system was installed.
Commission_Datecommission_datecalendar_dateApproximate date synthetic turf system was opened to the public.
RETIREDretiredtextIndicates if the synthetic turf system is active or inactive
BoroughboroughtextThe borough where the synthetic turf system is located.
ShapeshapetextGeometry of the synthetic turf system