Historical Medallion Drivers – Passenger Assistance Trained 2018

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 9 May 2022

This list contains information on the status of current medallion drivers who had completed Passenger Assistance Training. This list is accurate to the date and time represented in the Last Date Updated and Last Time Updated fields. To view the latest list please visit https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Transportation/Medallion-Drivers-Passenger-Assistance-Trained/td5q-ry6d/

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
License Numberlicense_numbernumber
Expiration Dateexpiration_datecalendar_date
Completed Both Trainingcompleted_both_trainingtext
Last Date Updatedlast_date_updatedcalendar_date
Last Time Updatedlast_time_updatedtext