2015-2016 Physical Education - PE Space

data.cityofnewyork.us | Last Updated 10 Sep 2018

Background, Methodology: Local Law 102 enacted in 2015 requires the Department of Education of the New York City School District to submit to the Council an annual report concerning physical education for the prior school year. This report provides information about average frequency and average total minutes per week of physical education as defined in Local Law 102 as reported through the 2015-2016 STARS database. It is important to note that schools self-report their scheduling information in STARS. The report also includes information regarding the number and ratio of certified physical education instructors and designated physical education instructional space. This report consists of six tabs: 1. PE Instruction Borough-Level 2. PE Instruction District-Level 3. PE Instruction School-Level 4. Certified PE Teachers 5. PE Space 6. Supplemental Programs 1. PE Instruction Borough-Level This tab includes the average frequency and average total minutes per week of physical education by borough, disaggregated by grade, race and ethnicity, gender, special education status and English language learner status. This report only includes students who were enrolled in the same school across all academic terms in the 2015-16 school year. Data on students with disabilities and English language learners are as of the end of the 2015-16 school year. Data on adaptive PE is based on individualized education programs (IEP) finalized on or before 05/31/2016. 2. PE Instruction District-Level This tab includes the average frequency and average total minutes per week of physical education by district, disaggregated by grade, race and ethnicity, gender, special education status and English language learner status. This report only includes students who were enrolled in the same school across all academic terms in the 2015-16 school year. Data on students with disabilities and English language learners are as of the end of the 2015-16 school year. Data on adaptive PE is based on individualized education programs (IEP) finalized on or before 05/31/2016. 3. PE Instruction School-Level This tab includes the average frequency and average total minutes per week of physical education by school, disaggregated by grade, race and ethnicity, gender, special education status and English language learner status. This report only includes students who were enrolled in the same school across all academic terms in the 2015-16 school year. Data on students with disabilities and English language learners are as of the end of the 2015-16 school year. Data on adaptive PE is based on individualized education programs (IEP) finalized on or before 05/31/2016. 4. Certified PE Teachers This tab provides the number of designated full-time and part-time physical education certified instructors. Does not include elementary, early childhood and K-8 physical education teachers that provide physical education instruction under a common branches license. Also includes ratio of full time instructors teaching in a physical education license to students by school. Data reported is for the 2015-2016 school year as of 10/31/2015. 5. PE Space This tab provides information on all designated indoor, outdoor and off-site spaces used by the school for physical education as reported through the Principal Annual Space Survey and the Outdoor Yard Report. It is important to note that information on each room category is self-reported by principals, and principals determine how each room is classified. Data captures if the PE space is co-located, used by another school or used for another purpose. Includes gyms, athletic fields, auxiliary exercise spaces, dance rooms, field houses, multipurpose spaces, outdoor yards, off-site locations, playrooms, swimming pools and weight rooms as designated PE Space. 6. Supplemental Programs This tab provides information on the department's supplemental physical education program and a list of schools that use it.I. Includes all Move-to-Improve (MTI) supplemental programs for the 2015-2016 school year. Link to NY State PE Regulations: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/pe/documents/title8part135.pdf Any questions regarding this report should be directed to: Nnennaya Okezie, Executive Director NYC Department of Education, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Phone: 212-374-4947" Idiosyncrasies or limitations of the data to be aware of: 12,085 students (5.96% of the 10th-12th grade base student population in our analysis) were permitted a substitution by the department in the 2015-16 school year.

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
BoroughboroughtextThe borough of the site.
Geographical DistrictgeographicalnumberA two-character alphanumeric identifier of a school grade.
Admin Districtadmin_districtnumberA two-digit administrative district identifier. For schools in a region, it is in most cases the geographical district in which the school is physically located.
ATS Codeats_codetextA four-character alphanumeric code used by the ATS system to uniquely identify an organization.
Location Namelocation_nametextThe name by which the organization is known. For a learning community, it is the official title of the school.
Grade Levelgrade_leveltextA two-character alphanumeric identifier of a school grade.
Building Codebuilding_codetextAn identifier of a physical structure housing different types of organizations, schools and programs. Buildings can be portable classrooms, trailers, or mini schools. An athletic field can also be assigned a building code as is a playground associated with a high school building.
Building Namebuilding_nametextThe name by which a building is associated. For a learning community, the official title of the school.
AddressaddresstextThe address of a site
Building Ownership Descriptionbuilding_ownershiptextAn indicator that shows whether a building is leased or owned by the DOE.
Room Noroom_notextThe room number
Is school co-located?is_school_co_locatedtextIf the school is co-located or not
Inside v outsideinside_v_outsidetext
Is the space shared by any other schools?is_the_space_sharedtextWhether the space is shared by another school
Space used for any other purpose beside PEspace_used_for_anycheckboxWhether the space is used for a purpose other than PE