Census Blocks in Colorado 2010

data.colorado.gov | Last Updated 20 Sep 2024

Census Data is collected every 10 years by mail surveys to every household with primary data collection fields of population, gender, race and number of occupants. Data includes demographics, education level, commute information, and more subset to Colorado by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA).

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, census, decennial census, demographics, population, gender, race, census blocks, gis

This dataset has the following 80 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
the_geomthe_geommultipolygonGeoJSON field describing the boundaries of the area
NAME10name10textThe name of the designated area (eg Block Group 3)
ALAND10aland10numberThe amount of land in the designated area, in ft2.
AWATER10awater10numberThe amount of water in the designated area, in ft2.
INTPTLAT10intptlat10textThe center of the latitude of the designated area.
INTPTLON10intptlon10textThe center of the longitude of the designated area.
STATEstatetextThe state id number that the designated area is in (Colorado is 08).
COUNTYcountytextThe FIPS County code that the designated area is in (eg 071).
TRACTtracttextThe Tract code that the designated area is in (eg 974800)
BLOCKblocktextThe Block code that the designated area is in (eg 3)
GEOIDBLOCKgeoidblocktextThe ID for the designated area, created by combining the state, county, tract, and block group codes (eg 080719748003)
POP2010pop2010numberThe number of people living in the designated area as of 2010.
HISPANIChispanicnumberEstimate for the Hispanic Population
PCT_HISPpct_hispnumberThe percentage of people self designated as hispanic (not white).
WHITE_NHwhite_nhnumberEstimate for the White, Non-Hispanic Population
PCT_WHITEpct_whitenumberThe percentage of people self designated as white (not hispanic).
BLACK_NHblack_nhnumberEstimate for the Black, Non-Hispanic Population
PCT_BLACKpct_blacknumberThe percentage of people self designated as black (not hispanic)
AMERIND_NHamerind_nhnumberThe number of people self designated as native american (not hispanic).
PCT_AMINDpct_amindnumberThe percentage of people self designated as native american (not hispanic).
ASIAN_NHasian_nhnumberEstimate for the Asian, Non-Hispanic Population
PCT_ASIANpct_asiannumberThe percentage of people self designated as asian
HAWPAC_NHhawpac_nhnumberThe number of people self designated as hawaiian.
PCT_HAWPIpct_hawpinumberThe percentage of people self designated as hawaiian.
OTHER_NHother_nhnumberEstimate for the population of those identifying with any other race (Non-Hispanic)
PCT_OTHERpct_othernumberThe percentage of people self designated as none of the above.
MULT_NHmult_nhnumberThe number of people self designated as multi-ethnic
PCT_MULTpct_multnumberThe percentage of people self designated as multi-ethnic
MALEmalenumberEstimate for the total male population
PCT_MALEpct_malenumberThe percentage of people self designated as males
FEMALEfemalenumberEstimate for the total female population
PCT_FEMpct_femnumberThe percentage of people self designated as females
AGE65PLUSage65plusnumberEstimate for the total population 65 years of age or older
PCT_65PLUSpct_65plusnumberThe percentage of people age 65 and older
AGEUNDER18ageunder18numberThe number of people younger than 18
PCT_U18pct_u18numberThe percentage of people younger than 18
AGEUNDER10ageunder10numberThe number of people younger than 10
PCT_U10pct_u10numberThe percentage of people younger than 10
MED_AGEmed_agenumberMedian age of the population for the area
MED_MALEmed_malenumberThe median age of all self designated males in the designated area
MED_FEMALEmed_femalenumberThe median age of all self designated females in the designated area
HOUSEHOLDShouseholdsnumberEstimate for the total number of household
FAMILY_HHfamily_hhnumberThe number of households self designated as family
HUSB_WIFEhusb_wifenumberThe number of family households designated as having a husband and wife.
OTH_FAMILYoth_familynumberThe number of family households designated as not having a husband and wife.
NON_FAMnon_famnumberThe number of households self designated as not family
HH_ALONEhh_alonenumberThe number of households where the resident is living alone
AVG_HHavg_hhnumberThe average number of people in a household
HH_W_NONRhh_w_nonrnumberThe number of households with non-relatives living together
HH_N_NONRhh_n_nonrnumberThe number of households with no non-relatives living together
AVG_FAMavg_famnumberThe average number of people in a family
GQ_POPgq_popnumberThe number in group quarters
GQ_INSTgq_instnumberThe number in group quarters living in an institutional facility
GQ_CORRECgq_correcnumberThe number in group quarters living in an adult correctional facility
GQ_JUVENLgq_juvenlnumberThe number in group quarters living in a juvenile correctional facility
GQ_NURSgq_nursnumberThe number living in nursing homes
GQ_OT_INSTgq_ot_instnumberThe number living in an institutional facility not mentioned above
GQ_NONINSTgq_noninstnumberThe number in group quarters living in a non-institutional facility
GQ_COLLEGEgq_collegenumberThe number living in college housing
GQ_MILTRYgq_miltrynumberThe number living in military quarters
GQ_O_NONIgq_o_noninumberThe number living in any non-institutional facility not mentioned above
HOUSING_UNhousing_unnumberEstimated total number of housing units
OCCUPIEDoccupiednumberThe number of houses occupied in the designated area
PCT_OCCpct_occnumberThe percentage of houses occupied in the designated area
VACANTvacantnumberThe number of houses vacant in the designated area
PCT_VACpct_vacnumberThe percentage of houses vacant in the designated area
OWNERownernumberThe number of houses that are owned by their occupants in the designated area
PCT_OWNpct_ownnumberThe percentage of houses that are owned by their occupants in the designated area
RENTERrenternumberThe number of houses that are rented by their occupants in the designated area
PCT_RENTpct_rentnumberThe percentage of houses that are rented by their occupants in the designated area
V_FORRENTv_forrentnumberThe number of vacant houses for rent in the designated area
V_R_NOTOCCv_r_notoccnumberThe number of vacant, rented, but not occupied housing units
V_FORSALEv_forsalenumberThe number of vacant housing units for sale in the designated area
V_S_NOTOCCv_s_notoccnumberThe number of vacant, sold, but not occupied housing units
V_SEASONALv_seasonalnumberThe number of vacant housing units that are for seasonal use
V_MIGRANTv_migrantnumberThe number of vacant housing units for migrant workers
V_OTHERv_othernumberThe number of vacant housing units that are vacant for any reason not mentioned above