Chart Summary of the 2012 TCAP School and District Summary Results for grade 8- Mathematics | Last Updated 29 Aug 2016

The Colorado State Assessment System is designed to measure Colorado student’s mastery of the Colorado’s academic content standards. In December of 2009 Colorado adopted revised academic content standards progressing from early school readiness to postsecondary competencies reflective of both workforce readiness and 21st century skills. In 2012 Colorado implemented the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) to reflect changes in the state adopted academic content standards and to provide information to teachers as they began incorporating the revised content standards in their daily instruction. The Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) is Colorado’s standards-based assessment designed to provide a picture of student performance to schools, districts, educators, parents and the community. The primary purpose of the assessment program is to determine the level at which Colorado students meet the Colorado Model Content Standards in the content areas assessed. The TCAP is collaboratively developed by the Colorado Department of Education, the Colorado teaching community and CTB/McGraw-Hill.

Tags: department of education, cde, math, mathematics, tcap, math summary, assessment results

This dataset has the following 30 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
District Nodistrict_nonumber
School No.school_nonumber
Grade Levelgrade_levelnumber
2011 Total Count_2011_total_countnumber
2011 Unsat Count_2011_unsat_countnumberTotal count of students with unsatisfactory performance level
2011 % Unsat_2011_unsatnumberPercentage of students with unsatisfactory performance level
2011 Part Prof Count_2011_part_prof_countnumberTotal count of students with partially proficient level
2011 % Part Prof_2011_part_profnumberPercentage of students with partially proficient level
2011 Proficient Count_2011_proficient_countnumberTotal count of students with proficient level
2011 % Proficient_2011_proficientnumberPercentage of students with proficient level
2011 Advanced Count_2011_advanced_countnumberTotal count of students with advanced level
2011 % Advanced_2011_advancednumberPercentage of students with advanced level
2011 % Prof & Adv_2011_prof_advnumberPercentage of students with proficient and advanced level
2011 No Score Count_2011_no_score_countnumber
2011 % No Score_2011_no_scorenumber
2012 Total Count_2012_total_countnumber
2012 Unsat Count_2012_unsat_countnumberTotal count of students with unsatisfactory performance level
2012 % Unsat_2012_unsatnumberPercentage of students with unsatisfactory performance level
2012 Part Prof Count_2012_part_prof_countnumberTotal count of students with partially proficient level
2012 % Part Prof_2012_part_profnumberPercentage of students with partially proficient level
2012 Proficient Count_2012_proficient_countnumberTotal count of students with proficient level
2012 % Proficient_2012_proficientnumberPercentage of students with proficient level
2012 Advanced Count_2012_advanced_countnumberTotal count of students with advanced level
2012 % Advanced_2012_advancednumberPercentage of students with advanced level
2012 % Prof & Adv_2012_prof_advnumberPercentage of students with proficient and advanced level
2012 No Score Count_2012_no_score_countnumber
2012 % No Score_2012_no_scorenumber
% Free and Reduced Lunchnonenumber