Professional and Occupational Licenses in Colorado | Last Updated 21 Sep 2024

Professional and occupational license types in Colorado from the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, covid19, colorado, dora, department of regulatory affairs, professional, occupational, licenses, healthcare licenses, occupational licenses, business licenses, professions and occupations, healthcare professions profile program, hppp

This dataset has the following 24 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
lastNamelastnametextLast name of license holder
firstNamefirstnametextFirst name of license holder
middleNamemiddlenametextMiddle name of license holder
suffixsuffixtextSuffix name of license holder
entityNameentitynametextEntity name provided by license holder
citycitytextCity provided by license holder
statestatetextState provided by license holder
mailZipCodemailzipcodetextZip provided by license holder
licensePrefixlicensetypetextType of license or professional certification with the state
subCategorysubcategorytextSub type of license or division of professional certification with the state
licenseNumberlicensenumbertextUnique number assigned to license holder
licenseFirstIssueDatelicensefirstissuedatecalendar_dateFirst date license holder obtained license
licenseLastRenewedDatelicenselastreneweddatecalendar_dateMost recent date license holder's license became effective
licenseExpirationDatelicenseexpirationdatecalendar_dateExpected expiration (and upcoming renewal date) license holder's license became effective
licenseStatusDescriptionlicensestatusdescriptiontextCurrent status of license
specialtyspecialtytextSpecialty of license holder
titletitletextTitle of license holder
degreesdegreestextDegree of license holder
caseNumbercasenumbertextCase Number, if present, is the case tracking number of a public action that may be attached to a record
programActionprogramactiontextProgram Action, if present, is the type of public action that has been levied on a record
disciplineEffectiveDatedisciplineeffectivedatetextEffective date of the action
disciplineCompleteDatedisciplinecompletedatetextCompletion date of the action if it is a limited term action
linkToVerifyLicenselinktoverifylicenseurlURL to html page with dynamically updated details about the individual license
linkToViewHealthcareProfilelinktoviewhealthcareprofileurlURL to html page with dynamically updated details about the Healthcare Professional