Census Congressional Districts in Colorado 2018

data.colorado.gov | Last Updated 28 May 2024

American Community Survey Census data includes demographics, education level, commute information, and more subset to Colorado by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA).

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, census, acs, american community survey, population, gender, race, household, education, commute, demographics, congressional districts, voting, gis

This dataset has the following 156 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
the_geomthe_geommultipolygonGeoJSON field describing the boundaries of the area
poppoptextPopulation Estimate for the given time range
hispanichispanictextEstimate for the Hispanic Population
white_nhwhite_nhtextEstimate for the White, Non-Hispanic Population
black_nhblack_nhtextEstimate for the Black, Non-Hispanic Population
ntvam_nhntvam_nhtextEstimate for the Native American, Non-Hispanic Population
asian_nhasian_nhtextEstimate for the Asian, Non-Hispanic Population
hawpi_nhhawpi_nhtextEstimate for the Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Population
other_nhother_nhtextEstimate for the population of those identifying with any other race (Non-Hispanic)
twoplus_nhtwoplus_nhtextEstimate for the population who identifies with more than one race (Non-Hispanic)
malemaletextEstimate for the total male population
femalefemaletextEstimate for the total female population
ageless5ageless5textEstimate for the total population less than 5 years of age (0 to 5)
age5_9age5_9textEstimate for the total population from 5 to 9 years of age
age10_14age10_14textEstimate for the total population from 10 to 14 years of age
age15_19age15_19textEstimate for the total population from 15 to 19 years of age
age20_24age20_24textEstimate for the total population from 20 to 24 years of age
age25_29age25_29textEstimate for the total population from 25 to 29 years of age
age30_34age30_34textEstimate for the total population from 30 to 34 years of age
age35_39age35_39textEstimate for the total population from 35 to 39 years of age
age40_44age40_44textEstimate for the total population from 40 to 45 years of age
age45_49age45_49textEstimate for the total population from 45 to 49 years of age
age50_54age50_54textEstimate for the total population from 50 to 54 years of age
age55_59age55_59textEstimate for the total population from 55 to 59 years of age
age60_64age60_64textEstimate for the total population from 60 to 64 years of age
age65_69age65_69textEstimate for the total population from 65 to 69 years of age
age70_74age70_74textEstimate for the total population from 70 to 74 years of age
age75_79age75_79textEstimate for the total population from 75 to 79 years of age
age80_84age80_84textEstimate for the total population from 80 to 84 years of age
age85plage85pltextEstimate for the total population of 85 years of age or older
ageless18ageless18textEstimate for the total population less than 18 years of age (0 to 17)
age18_24age18_24textEstimate for the total population from 18 to 24 years of age
med_agemed_agetextMedian age of the population for the area
householdshouseholdstextEstimate for the total number of household
familyhhfamilyhhtextEstimate for the total number of family household
nonfamhhnonfamhhtextEstimate for the total number of nonfamily household
hhldralonehhldralonetextEstimate for the total number of nonfamily households where householder lives alone
hhldr_nalnhhldr_nalntextEstimate for the total number of nonfamily households where householder does not live alone
housing_unhousing_untextEstimated total number of housing units
occ_huocc_hutextEstimated number of occupied housing units
vac_huvac_hutextEstimated number of vacant housing units
ownedownedtextEstimated number of owner-occupied housing units
rentedrentedtextEstimated number of renter-occupied housing units
pop25pluspop25plustextEstimated total population 25 years or older (universe for educational attainment)
nohsdiplnohsdipltextEstimated population 25 years or older that does not have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED) level of education
hsgrad_schsgrad_sctextEstimated population 25 years or older that has a high school level of education (or equivalent) or higher education (some college) but did not achieve a bachelors degree or higher
bachl_hghrbachl_hghrtextEstimated total population 25 years or older with a Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Phd or other Professional Degree
med_hh_incmed_hh_inctextEstimated median household income
med_fam_inmed_fam_intextEstimated median family income
per_cap_inper_cap_intextEstimated per capita income
med_yr_bltmed_yr_blttextmedian year structure built
med_c_rentmed_c_renttextEstimated median contract rent
med_g_rentmed_g_renttextEstimated median gross rent
med_hm_valmed_hm_valtextEstimated median home value
citz_birthcitz_birthtextEstimated total population that is a US Citizen by birth
citz_natcitz_nattextEstimated total population that is a US Citizen by Naturalization
not_citznot_citztextEstimated total population that is not a US Citizen
born_in_coborn_in_cotextEstimated total population that was born in Colorado
brn_oth_stbrn_oth_sttextEstimated total population that was born in a state other than Colorado
ntv_b_o_usntv_b_o_ustextEstimated total population that was born outside of the US (In a US Territory Abroad)
foreign_bforeign_btextEstimated total population that was born in a foreign country
pop_1ppop_1ptextEstimated total population 1 year old or more
same_housesame_housetextEstimated total population living in the same house as they did 1 year ago
same_cntysame_cntytextEstimated total population that moved within the same county
same_statesame_statetextEstimated total population that moved to a different county within the same state (Colorado)
diff_statediff_statetextEstimated total population living in a state other than Colorado 1 year ago
frm_abroadfrm_abroadtextEstimated total population living abroad 1 year ago
wrkrs_16plwrkrs_16pltextEstimated total population age 16 years or older who worked in the past 12 months
car_allcar_alltextEstimated total working population 16+ who traveled to work by car
car_alonecar_alonetextEstimated total working population 16+ who traveled to work by car alone
car_carpoocar_carpootextEstimated total working population 16+ who traveled to work by car with others
public_trnpublic_trntextEstimated total working population 16+ who took public transportation to work
pt_buspt_bustextEstimated total working population 16+ who rode a bus to work
pt_otherpt_othertextEstimated total working population 16+ who used any other form of public transportation (other than a bus) to work
bikebiketextEstimated total working population 16+ who rode a bike to work
walkwalktextEstimated total working population 16+ who walked to work
tr_othertr_othertextEstimated total working population 16+ who used any other form of transportation not mentioned previously
wrk_homewrk_hometextEstimated total working population 16+ who worked from home
w_16pl_nhw_16pl_nhtextEstimated total working population 16+ who commuted to work
t_less_10t_less_10textEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was less than 10 minutes
t_10_19t_10_19textEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was from 10 to 19 minutes
t_20_29t_20_29textEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was from 20 to 29 minutes
t_30_39t_30_39textEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was from 30 to 39 minutes
t_40_59t_40_59textEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was from 40 to 59 minutes
t_60_plt_60_pltextEstimated total working population 16+ whose commute time was 60 minutes or higher
pop_3plpop_3pltextEstimated total population 3 years old or higher. (Universe for school enrollment)
enrolledenrolledtextEstimated total population 3+ who are enrolled in school
preschoolpreschooltextEstimated total population 3+ enrolled in preschool
kndrgrtnkndrgrtntextEstimated total population enrolled in kindergarten
gr_1_4gr_1_4textEstimated total population enrolled in grades 1-4
gr_5_8gr_5_8textEstimated total population enrolled in grades 5-8
gr_9_12gr_9_12textEstimated total population enrolled in grades 9-12
undergradundergradtextEstimated total population enrolled in undergraduate studies
grad_profgrad_proftextEstimated total population enrolled in graduate studies
n_enrolledn_enrolledtextPopulation 3 yrs and older not enrolled in school
blt_2010_pblt_2010_ptextEstimated number of housing units built since 2010
b2000_2009b2000_2009textEstimated number of housing units built from 2000 to 2009
b1990_1999b1990_1999textEstimated number of housing units built from 1990 to 1999
b1980_1989b1980_1989textEstimated number of housing units built from 1980 to 1989
b1970_1979b1970_1979textEstimated number of housing units built from 1970 to 1979
b1960_1969b1960_1969textEstimated number of housing units built from 1960 to 1969
b1950_1959b1950_1959textEstimated number of housing units built from 1950 to 1959
b1940_1949b1940_1949textEstimated number of housing units built from 1940 to 1949
b1939_eb1939_etextEstimated number of housing units built in 1939 or earlier
own_occ_huown_occ_hutextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units
v_l_50kv_l_50ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is less than $50,000
v50k_100kv50k_100ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $50,000 to $99,999
v100k_150kv100k_150ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $100,000 to $149,999
v150k_200kv150k_200ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $150,000 to $199,999
v200k_250kv200k_250ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $200,000 to $249,999
v250k_300kv250k_300ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $250,000 to $299,999
v300k_400kv300k_400ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $300,000 to $399,999
v400k_500kv400k_500ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $400,000 to $499,999
v500k_750kv500k_750ktextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $500,000 to $749,999
v750k_1mv750k_1mtextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is from $750,000 to $999,999
v_1m_plusv_1m_plustextEstimated number of owner occupied housing units where the home value is $1,000,000 or higher
rnt_occ_hurnt_occ_hutextEstimated number of renter occupied housing units
rntl400rntl400textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is less than $400
r400T599r400t599textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $400 to $599
r600T799r600t799textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $600 to $799
r800t999r800t999textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $800 to $999
r1000t1249r1000t1249textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $1,000 to $1,249
r1250t1499r1250t1499textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $1,250 to $1,499
r1500t1999r1500t1999textEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is from $1,500 to $1,999
r2000plr2000pltextEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the gross rent is greater than $2000
rnocshrrnocshrtextEstimated number of renter occupied housing units where the householder pays no cash rent
ps_unips_unitextEstimated total population for whom poverty status is determined
ps_belowps_belowtextEstimated population for whom poverty status is below the poverty level
ps_bel150ps_bel150textEstimated population for whom poverty status is below 150% the poverty level
tot_l18tot_l18textEstimated population who is under 18 years of age for whom poverty status is determined. [B17001_048
puni_65plpuni_65pltextEstimated population who is over 65 years of age for whom poverty status is determined
pov_l18pov_l18textEstimated population who is under 18 years of age where the status is below the poverty line
pov_65plpov_65pltextEstimated population who is over 65 years of age where the status is below the poverty line
avghhsizeavghhsizetextEstimated average household size of occupied housing units
hhi_l20khhi_l20ktextEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is less than $20,000
hhi20_30hhi20_30textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is from $20,000 and $29,999
hhi30_40hhi30_40textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is from $30,000 and $39,999
hhi40_50hhi40_50textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $40,000 and $49,999
hhi50_60hhi50_60textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $50,000 and $59,999
hhi60_75hhi60_75textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $60,000 and $74,999
hhi75_100hhi75_100textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $75,000 and $99,999
hhi100_125hhi100_125textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $100,000 and $124,999
hhi125_150hhi125_150textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $125,000 and $149,999
hhi150_200hhi150_200textEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is between $150,000 and $199,999
hhi200_plhhi200_pltextEstimated number of households whose income in the past 12 months is $200,000 or more
civ_ni_popciv_ni_poptextEstimated total population of civilians not institutionalized (disabled and not disabled)
disableddisabledtextEstimated population of civilian non-institutionalized that are disabled
pop16_plspop16_plstextEstimated population 16 years and over
laborforcelaborforcetextEstimated number of people in the labor force
civ_lfciv_lftextEstimated number of people in the civilian labor force
empemptextEstimated number of people in the civilian labor force that are employed
unempunemptextEstimated number of people in the civilian labor force that are not employed
armedfrcsarmedfrcstextEstimated number of people in the armed forces
not_lfnot_lftextEstimated number of people not in the labor force
civ_ni_pciv_ni_ptextEstimated total civilian non-institutionalized population