Teller County LSWTs | Last Updated 17 Jun 2016

Livestock water tanks are covered under the "Livestock Water Tank Act of Colorado" sections 35-49-101 to 35-49-116, C.R.S. These structures include all reservoirs built after April 17, 1941, on watercourses which the state engineer has determined to be "normally dry" and having a capacity of not more than ten acre-feet and a vertical height not exceeding fifteen feet from the bottom of the channel to the bottom of the spillway. Again, as with erosion control dams, the height is measured from the lowest point of the upstream toe to the crest of the spillway. No livestock water tanks can be used for irrigation purposes. Erosion control dams are governed under Colorado statute (see section 37-87-122, C.R.S. (1990). These types of structures may be constructed on water courses which have been determined by the state engineer to be normally dry (which for our purposes is dry more than 80% of the time). Structures of this type cannot exceed fifteen feet from the bottom of the channel to the bottom of the spillway and cannot exceed ten acre-feet at the emergency spillway level. The height of the dam is measured vertically from the lowest point of the upstream toe to the crest of the dam in contrast to those measured vertically from the centerline pursuant to section 37-87-105, C.R.S. (1990). Note: The structure can be larger than specified under section 37-87-122, however, it then will be evaluated and must be constructed pursuant to section 37-87-105.

Tags: livestock water tank erosion control, dam safety, reservoir

This dataset has the following 30 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ReceiptreceiptnumberUnique SEO Livestock Water Tank/Erosion Control identifier.
Application Typeapplication_typetextType of Application.
TitletitletextName of Tank or Erosion Control structure.
Title Notitle_notextHistoric numbering convention typical year received and the sequential number indicating order of received.
Applicant Nameapplicant_nametextName of applicant submitting application.
Application Dateappl_datecalendar_dateDate application submitted.
Completion Datecomp_datecalendar_dateDate dam was completed.
DIVdivnumberDivision where the Dam is located.
WDwdnumberWater District where the Dam is located.
CountycountytextCounty where the Dam is located.
PMpmtextPrinciple Meridian.
Q160q160text160 acre quarter section indicator.
UTM xutm_xnumberThe x (Easting) component of the Universal Transverse Mercator system. (NAD83 datum)
UTM yutm_ynumberThe y (Northing) component of the Universal Transverse Mercator system. (NAD83 datum)
Location Accuracylocation_accuracytextAccuracy of UTM coordinates.
LatdecdeglatdecdegnumberLatitude (decimal degrees)
LongdecdeglongdecdegnumberLongitude (decimal degrees)
StreamstreamtextOfficial name of the river or stream on which the dam is built. If the stream is unnamed, identify it as a tributary to a named river, e.g., Snake-TR. If the dam is located off stream, enter the name of the river or stream plus “-OS”, e.g., Snake-OS.
Dam Heightdam_heightnumberThe height of the dam, in feet to the nearest foot, which is defined as the vertical distance between the lowest point on the crest of the dam and the lowest point in the original streambed.
Drainage Areadrainage_areanumberThe drainage area of the dam, in acres, which is defined as the area that drains to a particular point (in this case, the dam) on a river or stream.
Tank Capacitytank_capacitynumberApproximate capacity of tank, in acre feet.
Outlet Sizeoutlet_sizenumberDiameter of outlet pipe, in inches.
Outlet Typeoutlet_typetextType of outlet pipe.
Spillway Heightspillway_heightnumberThe height of the spillway of the dam, in feet to the nearest foot.
Spillway Widthspillway_widthnumberThe width of the spillway of the dam, in feet to the nearest foot.
More Informationmore_informationurlLink to Dam Safety web page.
LocationlocationlocationLatitude/Longitude where the Dam is located. Used in Marketplace for mapping.