Population Estimates by Year for Counties in Colorado 2015

data.colorado.gov | Last Updated 7 Jun 2024

Annual population estimates for each year by county for the state of Colorado, from US Census Bureau, from 1900 to 2015 provided by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE).

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, census, estimates, county, demographics, lmi, wid, ces

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
stateabbrvstateabbrvtextThe two letter state abbreviation.
statenamestatenametextState name or USA.
stfipsstfipsnumberField Description: State FIPS code.
areanameareanametextGeographic area name.
areatypeareatypenumberCode describing type of geographic area: e.g. county, service delivery area, MSA.
areatynameareatynametextDescriptive title of the areatype.
areaareanumberSix-digit code assigned to represent a geographic area. Front fill with zeroes.
periodyearperiodyearnumberCharacter representation of calendar-year (e.g. 2000).
periodtypeperiodtypenumberCode describing type of period (e.g. Annual, quarterly, monthly, etc.).
pertypdescpertypdesctextA description of the period type.
periodperiodnumberPeriod code. Will be set to '00' where periodtype is annual.
popsourcepopsourcenumberSource Code for population data.
popsrcdescpopsrcdesctextDescription of population source.
populationpopulationnumberNumber representing the population total for the specified geographic area and time period.
releasedatereleasedatecalendar_dateRelease Date