Solicitation Campaign Supervisors Listed on Solicitation Notices in Colorado | Last Updated 8 Sep 2024

Recent modifications in the data transformation process may result in data changes. Additional details about the changes can be found here:</span> Non-profit organization (NPO) data of associated directors, officers, trustees, professional consultants, paid solicitors from the Colorado Department of State (CDOS) Division of Charity.

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, sos, secretary of state, npo, nonprofit organizations, charities, directors, officers, trustees, charity, fundraising, fundraiser, donation, contribution, consultants, solicitation notices, charity registration

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
solicitationNoticeIdsolicitationnoticeidtextSolicitation Notice ID
charityNamecharitynametextName of charity
solicitorNamesolicitornametextPaid Solicitor Name
officerTitleofficertitletextTitle of officer or other key person
businessNamebusinessnametextBusiness name if organization and not individual
firstNamefirstnametextFirst name of officer
middleNamemiddlenametextMiddle name of officer
lastNamelastnametextLast name of officer
principalAddressprincipaladdresstextPrincipal address
principalCityprincipalcitytextPrincipal city
principalStateprincipalstatetextPrincipal state
principalZipCodeprincipalzipcodetextPrincipal Description
phonephonetextPhone number; blank if personal address
isSubcontractorissubcontractorcheckboxIf a subcontractor, then ‘Y’, else ‘N’
officerInBusinessofficerinbusinesscheckboxOfficer in business?
otherNamesOfOrganizationothernamesoforganizationtextOther name organization solicits under