Septic Systems in Boulder County Colorado | Last Updated 28 May 2024

Septic system data including type, status, location, etc for dwellings within Boulder County, CO provided by Boulder County.

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, boulder, boulder county, septic, septic systems, soils, water supply, depth, owts, onsite wastewater treatment system

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
b1AltIdb1altidtextPermit # associated with this onsite wastewater treatment system record
b1AppTypeAliasb1apptypealiastextType of permit
b1ApplStatusb1applstatustextStatus of the permit
typeOfSystemtypeofsystemtextDescription indicating the septic system type
dwellingTypedwellingtypetextIndicates whether dwelling is residential or commercial
areaOfLotareaoflottextSize of the lot, in acres, that contains the onsite wastewater treatment system
bedroomsbedroomstextNumber of bedrooms the OWTS is sized for
limitingLayerlimitinglayertextIndicates whether there is a limiting layer for the Soil Treatment Area
treatmentDepthtreatmentdepthtextDepth of treatment for the Soil Treatment Area
installerNameinstallernametextName of the installer
installingFirminstallingfirmtextName of the business the installer is employed by
engineerNameengineernametextName of the engineer
engineeringFirmengineeringfirmtextName of the business the engineer is employed by
addressNumberaddressnumbertextStreet number for the address of the site
streetDirectionstreetdirectiontextStreet direction for the address of the site
streetNamestreetnametextStreet name for the address of the site
streetSuffixstreetsuffixtextSuffix for the address of the site
b1UnitStartb1unitstarttextUnit number or apartment number for the address of the site
citycitytextCity of the address for the site
zipCodezipcodetextZip code for the address for the site