DWR Active Substitute Water Supply Plans

data.colorado.gov | Last Updated 13 Oct 2015

Substitute water supply plans provide water users a mechanism to operate a plan for augmentation or change of water right with temporary approval from the State Engineer as allowed by § 37-92-308, C.R.S., or § 37-90-137(11), C.R.S.

Tags: swsp, active substitute water supply plans

This dataset has the following 21 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Plan IDplan_idnumberA unique SEO Plan Identifier.
Plan Nameplan_nametextPlan name at time of 1st submittal.
WDIDwdidtextUnique Structure Identifier
DIVdivnumberWater Division where the plan is located.
WDwdnumberWater District where the plan is located.
CountycountytextCounty where the plan is located.
PMpmtextPrinciple Meridian.
Q160q160text160 acre quarter section indicator.
Q40q40text40 acre quarter section indicator.
Plan Typeplan_typetextStatutory basis for review.
Plan Statusplan_statustextCurrent status of yearly plan.
Submitted Datesubmitted_datecalendar_dateDate the current year plan was submitted to the Colorado Division of Water Resources.
Date Notice Sentdate_notice_sentcalendar_dateDate notice was sent to all parties.
Start Datestart_datecalendar_dateStart date of operation of the yearly plan.
Expiration Dateexpiration_datecalendar_dateExpiration date of the yearly plan.
Case Numbercase_numbertextPending water court application case number for yearly plan.
DRMS Permit Nodrms_permit_notextFor mining operations, the mining/reclamation permit issued by the Colorado Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety.
More Informationmore_informationurlLink Laserfiche Image documents web page.