IRS Filing Information for Charities Operating in Colorado | Last Updated 8 Jun 2024

Tax year, business name, address, and employer identification number for charitable organization filings of IRS Form 990, provided by the Colorado Department of State (CDOS) since 2011.

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, sos, secretary of state, colorado department of state, cdos, npo, nonprofit organizations, charities, charity, irs, 990, tax

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ididtextAutomatically generated unique ID
taxyrtaxyrtextTax year corresponding to the charitable organization's filing
eineintextEmployer identification number for charitable organization
businessname1businessname1textName of the charitable organization
businessname2businessname2textAdditional name of the charitable organization if applicable
address_line_1address_line_1textFirst line of the charitable organization's address
address_line_2address_line_2textSecond line of the charitable organization's address if the address is in the United States
citycitytextCity of the charitable organization's address if the address is in the United States
country_codecountry_codetextTwo letter state abbreviation of the charitable organization's address if the address is in the United States
postal_codepostal_codenumberZip code of the charitable organization's address if the address is in the United States
provinceprovincetextPostal code of the charitable organization's address if the address is outside the United States
taxperiodbegindttaxperiodbegindtcalendar_dateEnd date of the fiscal tax year for the charitable organization
taxperiodenddttaxperiodenddtcalendar_dateBeginning date of the fiscal tax year for the charitable organization
returntypecdreturntypecdtextType of return as indicated by the IRS (990, 990EZ, Schedule)
federaloriginalsubmissioniddtfederaloriginalsubmissioniddttextOriginal submission date of the filing to the IRS. This is important in determining whether or not the filing is within the grace period as outlined by the IRS