CCD Fin Aid | Last Updated 4 May 2018

Financial Aid averages based on demographic breakdown of post-secondary students since 2004 from the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).

Tags: gocodecolorado, colorado, cdhe, colorado department of higher education, demographics, post secondary, financial aid, students, fafsa

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
yearyearnumberYear of record. Changes from source: derived by removing the FA- from Data Type field.
fafsaCompletefafsaindicatornumber1=Yes 0=No ;
residencyresidencytextValues are: In-State, Out-Of-State, Other
ageDescagedesctextThe age range of sample.
gendergendertextGender of student. Values are: Male, Female, Unknown
ethnicityethnicitytextEthnicity of student. Values are: Asian or Pacific Islander; Black, non-Hispanic; Hispanic; Native American or Alaskan Native; Non-Resident Alien; Unknown Ethnicity; White, non-Hispanic
enrollmentClassificationenrollmentclassificationtextValues are: Full-time, Less-than-half-time, Half-time. Changes from source: Changed 'Full-Time' to 'Full-time' to be consistent
sumStateAidsumstateaidnumberSum of all state aid for the record's cohort. Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumFederalPellsumfederalpellnumberSum of all Federal Pell Grant aid for the record's cohort. Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumFederalLoanssumfederalloansnumberSum of all federal aid for the record's cohort. Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumOtherFederalsumotherfederalnumberSum of all non-Federal Pell Grant aid for the record's cohort. Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumFederalPLUSsumfederalplusnumberSum of all Federal PLUS aid for the record's cohort. Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumOtherLoanssumotherloansnumberSum of all loan aid for the record's cohort.Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
sumOtherScholarshipssumotherscholarshipsnumberSum of all scholarship aid for the record's cohort.Changes from source: Removed commas and saved values as integers
recordCountrecordcountnumberRecord Count. Changes from source: Replaced all * values to null values so that the field type can be treated as an integer field for numerical queries.