Electricity Revenue in Colorado

data.colorado.gov | Last Updated 31 Jan 2024

Revenue and pricing for electricity consumption by month in each state, since 1990. From the US Energy Information Administration

Tags: colorado, energy, electricity, revenue, gocode, bic

This dataset has the following 28 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
yearyearnumberYear recorded
monthmonthnumberMonth recorded (1 is January, 12 is December)
statestatetextThe state the data was compiled in
dataStatusdatastatustextWhether the record has been approved and validated (Final) or if the record is the first recording (Preliminary)
residentialRevenueresidentialrevenuenumberRevenue from residential electricity consumption, in thousands of dollars
residentialSalesresidentialsalesnumberNumber of megawatt hours sold
residentialCustomersresidentialcustomersnumberNumber of customers (if available)
residentialPriceresidentialpricenumberPrice in cents per kilowatt hour
commercialRevenuecommercialrevenuenumberRevenue from electrical commercial consumption in thousands of dollars
commercialSalescommercialsalesnumberCommercial sales in megawatt hours
commercialCustomerscommercialcustomersnumberNumber of commercial customers (where available)
commercialPricecommercialpricenumberCommercial price in cents per kilowatt hour
industrialRevenueindustrialrevenuenumberRevenue for industrial electricity consumption, in thousand dollars
industrialSalesindustrialsalesnumberIndustrial sales in megawatt hours
industrialCustomersindustrialcustomersnumberNumber of industrial customers (where available)
industrialPriceindustrialpricenumberIndustrial price in cents per kilowatt hour
transportationRevenuetransportationrevenuenumberRevenue from electricity usage by transportation, in thousand dollars
transportationSalestransportationsalesnumberTransportation sales in megawatt hours
transportationCustomerstransportationcustomersnumberNumber of transportation customers (where available)
transportationPricetransportationpricenumberTransportation price in cents per kilowatt hour
otherRevenueotherrevenuenumberRevenue from other sources, in thousand dollars
otherSalesothersalesnumberSales to other types, in megawatt hours
otherCustomersothercustomersnumberNumber of other customers
otherPriceotherpricenumberPrice for other sectors, in cents per kilowatt hour
totalRevenuetotalrevenuenumberRevenue from all sources, in thousand dollars
totalSalestotalsalesnumberTotal sales in megawatt hours
totalCustomerstotalcustomersnumberTotal number of customers
totalPricetotalpricenumberOverall price, in cents per kilowatt hour