Short-Term Employment Projections in Colorado | Last Updated 28 May 2024

Short-term (two-year) estimations, projections, and growth rates for industry and occupation by geographic area in Colorado provided by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE).

Tags: bic, gocodecolorado, covid19, colorado, cdle, labor and employment, short term, occupation, industry, estimations, projections, growth rate, employment

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
stateabbrvstateabbrvtextThe two letter state abbreviation.
statenamestatenametextState name.
stfipsstfipsnumberState FIPS code.
areatypeareatypenumberCode describing type of geographic area: e.g. county, service delivery area, MSA.
areatynameareatynametextDescriptive title of the areatype.
areanameareanametextGeographic area name.
periodidperiodidnumberA 2-digit code identifying the type of period used.
perioddescperioddesctextDescription of period range.
periodtypeperiodtypenumberCode describing type of period (e.g. Annual, quarterly, monthly, etc.)
matincodtymatincodtynumberA code to identify matincode as SIC code based or NAICS code based; 1 = SIC based, 2 = NAICS based
matintitlematintitletextIndustry title.
matoccodtymatoccodtynumberA code to identify matoccode as 9 char and OES code based or 10 char and SOC code based. 1 = OES based, 2 = SOC based
matocctitlmatocctitltextOccupation title.
estempestempnumberThe base-year employment estimate.
projempprojempnumberThe projected-year employment estimate.
nchgnchgnumberNumeric Change between the projected estimate and the base estimate.
aopengaopengnumberA value representing the annual average openings due to growth. The value is calculated by subtracting the Base Year Employment estimate from the Projected Year Employment estimate, then dividing by the number of years in the projection period. (projemp-estemp)/No. years.
aopenraopenrnumberA value representing the annual average openings due to net replacement. The value is calculated by dividing the total openings due to net replacements (in the projection period) by the number of years in the projection period.
aopentaopentnumberA value representing the total annual average openings due to growth and net replacements.
suppresssuppressnumberAn indicator that the record contains confidential data that must be suppressed for public use: 0 = Not Confidential; 1 = Confidential
areaareanumberA 6-digit code assigned to represent a geographic area. Front fill with zeroes.
matincodematincodenumberIndustry code from Micro Matrix.
matoccodematoccodenumberOccupation code from Micro Matrix. For codes not 10 characters long, left justify and blank (ASCII 32) fill.
pctestindpctestindnumberThe percentage of projected employment for the indicated industry represented by projected employment for the indicated occupation within that industry.
pctprojindpctprojindnumberThe percentage of projected employment for the indicated industry represented by projected employment for the indicated occupation within that industry.
pchgpchgnumberPercent change over period.((projemp-estemp)/estemp)*100
growrategrowratenumberA value representing the annualized percentage growth. This value is calculated by dividing the Projected year by the Base year. Taking the results to the 1/n power, where n is the number of years in the projection period, subtracting 1 from the result and multiplying that result by 100. Ie. grrate=(((projemp/estemp)^1/n)-1)*100
pctprojoccpctprojoccnumberThe percentage of the projected employment estimate for the indicated occupation represented by the projected employment estimate for the indicated industry within that occupation.
pctestoccpctestoccnumberThe percentage of the projected employment estimate for the indicated occupation represented by the projected employment estimate for the indicated industry within that occupation.