Paid solicitors CO | Last Updated 27 Jul 2016

Paid solicitors registered to solicit in Colorado. Includes Entity Name, FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number), and state identification number. The organization name is accompanied by the physical address, mailing address, and performed address. The Colorado office of the Secretary of State Division of Charity registers charitable organizations that solicit contributions in Colorado and their professional fundraisers. A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization (NPO) that centers on philanthropic goals as well as social well-being (educational, religious, other activities serving the public interest or common good). Search for “sos-csi” for all other charities related datasets.

Tags: sos, sos-csi, charitable solicitation, charity, fundraising, fundraiser, contribution, donation, bic, gocode

This dataset has the following 26 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
entityIdentityidtextEntity Id
feinfeintextFederal Employer Identification Number. The if the registrantType is a Professional Fundraising Consultant or a Paid Solicitor, the FEIN is associated with the charitable organization and not the PS or PFC.
namenametextName of the charitable organization, paid solicitor, or professional fundraising consultant.
nameofPS-PFC-CCVnameoforganizationtextIf solicitor is organization, name
titletitletextIf individual, title
firstNamefirstnametextFirst name of officer etc.
middleNamemiddlenametextMiddle name of officer etc.
lastNamelastnametextLast name of officer etc.
registrantTypeAbbrregistranttypeabbrtextType of person: PS (Paid Solicitor), PFC (Professional Fundraising Consultant) or Commercial Co-Venture
addressaddresstextblank if residential address entered
citycitytextCity; blank if residential address entered
statestatetexttwo letter state code
zipCodezipcodetextZip code; blank if residential address entered
zipCode4zipcode4textIf nine digit zip code is given, the full code will be listed here.
mailingAddressmailingaddresstextMailing address
mailingCitymailingcitytextMailing City
mailingStatemailingstatetextMailing State
mailingZipCodemailingzipcodetextMailing zip code
mailingZipCode4mailingzipcode4textIf nine digit zip code is given, the full code will be listed here.
performedAddressperformedaddresstextAddress where work is performed
performedCityperformedcitytextCity where work is performed
performedStateperformedstatetextState where work is performed
performedZipCodeperformedzipcodetextZip code where work is performed
performedZipCode4performedzipcode4textIf nine digit zip code is given, the full code will be listed here.
phonephonenumberOrganization phone number