COVID-19 Cases in CT Schools by County, 2020-2021 School Year - Archive | Last Updated 2 Aug 2023

Counts of COVID-19 Cases in CT Schools by County As of 6/24/2021, COVID-19 school-based surveillance activities for the 2020 – 2021 academic year has ended. The Connecticut Department of Public Health along with the Connecticut State Department of Education are planning to resume these activities at the start of the 2021 – 2022 academic year.

Tags: ct dph, covid-19, schools, covid school data, covid archive

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
County_NamecountytextName of the county where the school and the staf or student cases reside
Report_Period_Start_Datestart_datecalendar_dateDate of the start of the reporting period
Report_Period_End_Dateend_datecalendar_dateDate of the end of the reporting period
Number_of_Staff_Casesnumber_of_staffnumberNumber of Staff Cases
Number_of_Students_Casesnumber_of_studentsnumberNumber of Student Cases
Number_of_In_Person_Student_Casesin_person_studentsnumberStudent Cases by Learning Model: Number of In Person Students
Number_of_Hybrid_Student_Caseshybrid_studentsnumberStudent Cases by Learning Model: Number of Hybrid Students
Number_of_Remote_Student_Casesremote_studentsnumberStudent Cases by Learning Model: Number of Remote Students
Number_of_Unknown_Student_Casesunknown_studentsnumberStudent Cases by Learning Model: Number of Unknown Students