College Enrollment, Credit Attainment and Remediation of High School Graduates by District | Last Updated 31 Aug 2023

The data here is from the report entitled Trends in Enrollment, Credit Attainment, and Remediation at Connecticut Public Universities and Community Colleges: Results from P20WIN for the High School Graduating Classes of 2010 through 2016. The report answers three questions: 1. Enrollment: What percentage of the graduating class enrolled in a Connecticut public university or community college (UCONN, the four Connecticut State Universities, and 12 Connecticut community colleges) within 16 months of graduation? 2. Credit Attainment: What percentage of those who enrolled in a Connecticut public university or community college within 16 months of graduation earned at least one year’s worth of credits (24 or more) within two years of enrollment? 3. Remediation: What percentage of those who enrolled in one of the four Connecticut State Universities or one of the 12 community colleges within 16 months of graduation took a remedial course within two years of enrollment? Notes on the data: District Credit: % Earning 24 Credits is a subset of the % Earning 16 Credits District Remed: % Enrolled in Remediation is a subset of the % Enrolled in 16 Months

Tags: credential, education, p20 win

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Graduating Classgraduating_classtextGraduating Class
District IDdistrict_idtextDistrict ID
District Namedistrict_nametextDistrict Name
TypetypetextCredit Attainment by School at All Connecticut Public Universities and Community Colleges or Remediation by School at Connecticut State University System and Community Colleges