School Readiness 2017-18 By Town (Dec) | Last Updated 15 Sep 2023

OEC - School Readiness (SR) - Priority and Competitive Districts. The number of state funded SR preschool age spaces by town and space type and if community or school based setting. As of December 2017.

Tags: oec

This dataset has the following 22 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Town Codetown_codenumber
Total School Readiness Preschool Spaces 2017-2018total_school_readinessnumber
Number of Programsnumber_of_programsnumber
Number of Provider Sitesnumber_of_provider_sitesnumber
Full Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (a1)full_day_school_readinessnumber
School Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (a2)school_day_school_readinessnumber
Part Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (a3)part_day_school_readinessnumber
Extended Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (a4)extended_day_school_readinessnumber
Community Based Spaces (b1)community_based_spaces_b1number
School Based Spaces (b2)school_based_spaces_b2number
Head Start Spaces (in Community Based)head_start_spaces_in_communitynumber
Funding Type Priority (PSR) or Competitive (CSR) School Readinessfunding_type_priority_psrtext
Month and Year for OEC SR Slot Gridmonth_and_year_for_oec_srtext
Capacity (Cap.)capacity_captext
Community-Based Full Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c1i)community_based_full_daynumber
School-Based Full Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c1ii)school_based_full_day_schoolnumber
Community-Based School Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c2i)community_based_school_daynumber
School-Based School Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c2ii)school_based_school_day_schoolnumber
Community-Based Part Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c3i)community_based_part_daynumber
School-Based Part Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c3ii)school_based_part_day_schoolnumber
Community-Based Extended Day School Readiness Preschool Spaces (c4i)community_based_extendednumber