Connecticut CAMA Data 2023 | Last Updated 3 Apr 2024

This dataset contains statewide CAMA information for parcels in the State of Connecticut. This dataset was created by the GIS Office as required by CGS Sec. 4d-90-92. This dataset is a result of the 2023 data collection effort, which included collecting CAMA data from all municipalities via the Councils of Government.

Tags: ct cama 2023, ct cama, ct gis office

This dataset has the following 136 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
PIDpidtextParcel Identification Number used by town.
Account NumberaccountnumbertextThe Assessor's assigned account number
GIS TaggistagtextA unique descriptive tag to connect a CAMA record to a GIS Parcel record. Often built using MBL and town code.
MapmaptextThe map number the property is located.
Map CutmapcuttextA subsection of the Map
BlockblocktextThe block within the map the property is located
Block CutblockcuttextA subsection of the block
LotlottextThe lot within the block the property is located
Lot CutlotcuttextA subsection of the lot
UnitunittextThe unit within the lot the property is located. Usually associated with multiple unit dwellings.
Unit CutunitcuttextA subsection of the unit
Town IDtownidtextThe unique town ID set by the State of CT ranging from 1-169
LocationlocationtextThis is the address information for the property, does not include City, State, or ZIP.
Property CitypropertycitytextThe municipality the property resides in.
Property StatepropertystatetextThe state the property resides in.
Property ZippropertyziptextThe zipcode the property falls within.
Property CountypropertycountytextThe county the property falls within.
Street NamestreetnametextThe street name of the property
Address NumberaddressnumbertextNumeric identifier of the property
Address PrefixaddressprefixtextThe text occurring before a street name.
Address SuffixaddresssuffixtextThe text following a street name.
OwnerownertextName of the owner
Co-OwnercoownertextName of the Co-owner
Mailing AddressmailingaddresstextOwners mailing address.
Mailing Address 2mailingaddress2textOwners secondary address information
Mailing CitymailingcitytextOwners mailing address city
Mailing StatemailingstatetextOwners mailing address state
Mailing ZipmailingziptextOwners mailing address zip code
Mailing Address Street NamemailingaddressstreetnametextOwners Mailing Street Name only
Mailing Address Street NumbermailingaddressstreetnumbertextOwners Mailing Street Number only
Mailing Address Street PrefixmailingaddressstreetprefixtextThe text occurring before a street name.
Mailing Address Street SuffixmailingaddressstreetsuffixtextThe text following a street name.
Assessed TotalassessedtotaltextThe sum of all Assessment for the property.
Assessed LandassessedlandnumberThe assessment for the land.
Assessed BuildingassessedbuildingnumberThe assessment for the primary building
Assessed Extra featureassessedextrafeaturenumberThe assessment for extra features of the primary building.
Assessed OutbuildingassessedoutbuildingnumberAccessory Buildings, not the primary building unit
Pre Yr Assessed BuildingpreyrassessedbuildingnumberPrevious year's assessment, building
Pre Yr Assessed Extra FeaturepreyrassessedextrafeaturenumberPrevious year's assessment, extra features
Pre Yr Assessed LandpreyrassessedlandnumberPrevious year's assessment, land
Pre Yr Assessed OutBuildingpreyrassessedoutbuildingnumberPrevious year's assessment, out building
Pre Yr Assessed TotalpreyrassessedtotalnumberPrevious year's assessment, for the whole parcel (total)
Appraised TotalappraisedtotalnumberThe sum of all appraisal values for the property
Appraised LandappraisedlandnumberThe appraisal of the land
Appraised BuildingappraisedbuildingnumberThe appraisal of the primary building
Appraised Extra featureappraisedextrafeaturenumberThe appraisal of the extra features of the primary building (Decks, Patios)
Appraised OutbuildingappraisedoutbuildingnumberThe appraisel of outbuildings (Sheds, other structures)
Valuation YearvaluationyearnumberThe year of the last time the property was revalued
Land AcreslandacresnumberThe area of the parcel in acres
Parcel DepthparceldepthnumberThe length from the road face to an opposing side. For a rectangular parcel, the depth and frontage can be used to calculate the area.
Parcel FrontageparcelfrontagetextThe length of the parcel facing the road.
Water frontage in FeetwaterfrontageinfeettextThe length of the parcel facing a water feature.
ZonezonetextThe local zoning code the property falls under.
Zone DescriptionzonedescriptiontextThe description of the local zone code.
State UsestateusetextEquivalent to state land use code.
State Use DescriptionstateusedescriptiontextLand Use Description.
Style DescstyledesctextThe architectural style of the structure.
ModelmodeltextThe CAMA model used to value that particular property.
GradegradetextLevel of Craftmanship and Materials.
Grade Descgradedesctextv\Defines the Alpha Code used to identify craftmanship and materials.
DepreciationdepreciationtextThe percentage of depreciation since it was new. Equivalent to the opposite of % good.
ConditionconditiontextThe Current Condition code of the building
Condition DescriptionconditiondescriptiontextDescription of Current Condition code
NeighborhoodneighborhoodtextNeighborhood Code. Used to delineate land values without having to adjust the improvement cost. Also can be used to identify areas on a map.
AYBaybnumberActual Year Built
EYBeybnumberEffective Year Built
Replacement Cost NewreplacementcostnewtextThe cost to replace the house if it were new.
Replacement Cost New Less DepreciationreplacementcostnewlessdenumberThe cost to replace the house accounting for depreciation.
Gross Area of Primary BuildinggrossareaofprimarybuildingnumberThis is the sum of all living and non-living areas for the primary building.
Living ArealivingareanumberThe sum of living area for the primary building.
Effective AreaeffectiveareanumberThe effective area for the primary building
StoriesstoriestextThe number of stories the property has.
Frame TypeframetypetextDefines the primary building frame type
Frame Type DescriptionframetypedescriptiontextExplanation of Primary Buidling Frame Type
Roof Structure DescriptionroofstructuredescriptiontextThe type of roof on the building.
Roof Cover DescriptionroofcoverdescriptiontextThe materials that cover the roof
Number of BuildingsnumberofbuildingstextNumber of Buildings listed on the Property
Outbuilding CountoutbuildingcountnumberNumber of Outbuildings listed on the Property
Extra Features CountextrafeaturescountnumberNumber of Extra Features listed on the Property (hot tubs, pizza ovens, etc.)
Permit CountpermitcountnumberNumber of Permits listed on the Property Record Card
Total RoomstotalroomstextNumber of rooms in the primary building
Number of BedroomnumberofbedroomnumberNumber of bedrooms in the primary building
Number of BathsnumberofbathstextNumber of baths in the primary building
Number of Half BathsnumberofhalfbathstextNumber of half baths in the primary building.
Bathrm Style DescriptionbathrmstyledescriptiontextDescription of the Style of Bathroom
Kitchen Style DescriptionkitchenstyledescriptiontextDescription of Style of Kitchen
Family RoomsfamilyroomstextNumber of Family Rooms
Attic TypeattictypetextDescribes the type of attic
Basement TypebasementtypetextDescribes the type of basement
Int Flr1 Descriptionintflr1descriptiontextDescription of Primary Flooring Type
Int Wall1 Descriptionintwall1descriptiontextDescription of Interior Primary Wall Type
Ext Wall1 Descriptionextwall1descriptiontextDescription of Primary Exterior Wall Type
Heat Type DescriptionheattypedescriptiontextDescription of the Type of Heating System
Heat Fuel DescriptionheatfueldescriptiontextDescription of the Type of Heating Fuel
Ac Type DescriptionactypedescriptiontextDescription of the Type of Air Conditioning System
AC TypeactypetextDescription of the Type of Air Conditioning System
Heat/ACheat_actextType of Heating and A/C System
Heat/AC Descriptionheat_acdescriptiontextDescription of the Heating and A/C System
Baths/Plumbingbaths_plumbingtextType of Plumbing
Baths/Plumbing Descriptionbaths_plumbingdescriptiontextDescription of the Type of Plumbing
Ceiling/Wallceiling_walltextType of Ceilings
Ceiling/Wall Descriptionceiling_walldescriptiontextDescription of Ceiling Type
Rooms/PRTNSrooms_prtnstextType of Partition
Rooms/PRTNS Descriptionrooms_prtnsdescriptiontextDescription of the Partition Type
% Comn WallcomnwalltextPercentage of the property that has a common wall
SepticseptictextType of Septic
WellwelltextType of Well
No of FireplacesnooffireplacestextNumber of Fireplaces
Total Xtr fixturestotalxtrfixturestextNumber of Extra Fixtures
WhirlpoolwhirlpooltextNumber of Whirlpools
Addn'l Kitchenaddn_lkitchentextNumber of Additional Kitchens
Bsm GarbsmgartextNumber of Basement Garage
Fin Bsm AreafinbsmareatextSquare Footage of Area in the Basement that is Living Area
Fin Bsm QualfinbsmqualtextQuality of Basement Finish
Base Floor Use (1st floor)baseflooruse_1stfloortextPrimary Use of the First Floor from the Sketch
Base Floor Use Description(1st floor)basefloorusedescriptiontextDescription of the First Floor Primary Use from the Sketch
Wall HeightwallheighttextHeight of interior wall
Wall Height DescwallheightdesctextDescription of Wall Height
Book/Pagebook_pagetextMost Recent Deed Book and Page Reference from Sale
Sale PricesalepricetextMost Recent Sale Price
Sale DatesaledatetextMost Recent Date of Sale
QualifiedqualifiedtextQualified or Unqualified Sale or is data null
Prior Sale DatepriorsaledatetextSecond Most Recent Sale Date
Prior Book PagepriorbookpagetextSecond Most Recent Deed Book and Page Reference
Prior Sale PricepriorsalepricetextSecond Most Recent Sale Price
Sale Grantee NamesalegranteenametextThe property owners name
Sale Grantor NamesalegrantornametextThe name of the person who sold the property
InstrumentinstrumenttextA code used to track the transaction. This system is the alternative to the archaic book/page process.
Validity CodevaliditycodetextA code to describe the type of sale.
OccupancyoccupancytextNumber of Occupants/Units
Condo Main IDcondomainidtextThe ID that all the condo units refer to.
CAMA Site LinkcamasitelinktextThe web link to access the web hosted property card.
Building PhotobuildingphototextLink to URL with Property Photo
Number of UnitsnumberofunitstextThe total number of apartments or condos in a building.
sketchsketchtextThe web link to the building floor plan or layout image.
Land Use NotelandusenotetextA note regarding land use information.