PPP Loans to Connecticut Businesses

data.ct.gov | Last Updated 2 Aug 2023

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans provide small businesses with the resources they need to maintain their payroll, hire back employees who may have been laid off, and cover applicable overhead. This data set includes businesses in Connecticut that received PPP funding, how much funding the employer received & how many jobs the employer claims they saved. The NAICS (National Industry Classification) was provided by the loan recipient. This dataset includes loans under $150,000 and loans of $150,000 and above made to Connecticut businesses through August 8, 2020. Please see attached document for more details.

Tags: ppp, covid-19, small business, loan, economic recovery

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
LoanRangeloanrangetextLoan range for loans $150,000 and above: a) $5-10 million, b) $2-5 million, c) $1-2 million, d) $350,000-1 million, e) $150,000-350,000
LoanAmountloanamountnumberLoan amount for loans up to $150,000
BusinessNamebusinessnametextBusiness name
AddressaddresstextBusiness address
CitycitytextBusiness city
StatestatetextBusiness state
ZipziptextBusiness zip code
NAICSCodenaicscodetextThe North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by the United States, Canada, and Mexico to classify businesses by industry. Each business is classified into a six-digit NAICS code number based on the majority of activity at the business. The code was provided by the loan recipient.
BusinessTypebusinesstypetextBusiness type
RaceEthnicityraceethnicitytextRace/ethnicity of business owner
GendergendertextGender of business owner
VeteranveterantextVeteran status of business owner
NonProfitnonprofittextNonprofit status of business
JobsReportedjobsreportednumberNumber of employees at business
DateApproveddateapprovedcalendar_dateDate PPP loan was approved
LenderlendertextLender to business
CDcdtextCongressional district of business