2024 Connecticut Parcel and CAMA Data

data.ct.gov | Last Updated 11 Oct 2024

This dataset contains statewide CAMA information for the parcels in Connecticut, created by the GIS office in accordance with CGS Sec. 4d-90-92 and 7-100L. It is part of the 2024 data collection effort, which involved gathering CAMA data from all municipalities through the Council of Governments. The parcel layer is provided as a zipped folder containing a File Geodatabase, encompassing information from all 169 towns organized into a seamless parcel layer. The CAMA dataset include details about real property within Connecticut towns, which can be linked to the parcel data using a GIS software. The linking is facilitated through a designated column called ‘link’ that contains unique codes for each town and the designated values provided by the assessors and COGs. While the data was gathered from Connecticut towns and submitted to CT OPM by the COGs, it’s important to note that not all towns adhered to the established schema. As a result, some attribute names, primary and secondary keys, naming conventions, and file formats were inconsistent. Cleaning and reorganization were performed to align the data with the state schema, though some limitations remain. This file was generated on 09/28/2024 from data collected throughout 2024. Additional Note: Some towns were unable to verify which entries were suppressed pursuant to Connecticut General Statute Sec. 1-217. As a result, all related information has been fully suppressed. The owner and co-owner fields have been replaced with "Current Owner" and "Current Co-Owner," respectively, and the mailing address has been updated to reflect the location address.

Tags: parcels, cama, ct cama, property, towns of connecticut, ct gis office, 2024 parcels, municipal cama, municipal parcels

This dataset has the following 137 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
linklinktextLink created to link back to Parcel layer. Information for link was provided by assessors and COGs.
PIDpidtextParcel Identification Number used by town.
Account Numberaccount_numbertextThe Assessor's assigned account number
GIS Taggis_tagtextA unique descriptive tag to connect a CAMA record to a GIS Parcel record. Often built using MBL and town code.
MapmaptextThe map number the property is located.
Map Cutmap_cuttextA subsection of the Map
BlockblocktextThe block within the map the property is located
Block Cutblock_cuttextA subsection of the block
LotlottextThe lot within the block the property is located
Lot Cutlot_cuttextA subsection of the lot
UnitunittextThe unit within the lot the property is located. Usually associated with multiple unit dwellings.
Unit Cutunit_cuttextA subsection of the unit
Town IDtown_idnumberThe unique town ID set by the State of CT ranging from 1-169
LocationlocationtextThis is the address information for the property, does not include City, State, or ZIP.
Property Cityproperty_citytextThe municipality the property resides in.
Property Stateproperty_statetextThe state the property resides in.
Property Zipproperty_ziptextThe zip code the property falls within.
Property Countyproperty_countytextThe county the property falls within.
Street Namestreet_nametextThe street name of the property
Address Numberaddress_numbertextNumeric identifier of the property
Address Prefixaddress_prefixtextThe text occurring before a street name.
Address Suffixaddress_suffixtextThe text following a street name.
OwnerownertextName of the owner
Co_Ownerco_ownertextName of the Co-owner
Mailing Addressmailing_addresstextOwners mailing address.
Mailing Address 2mailing_address_2textOwners Secondary address information
Mailing Citymailing_citytextOwners mailing address city
Mailing Statemailing_statetextOwners mailing address state
Mailing Zipmailing_ziptextOwners mailing address zip code
Mailing Address Street Namemailing_address_street_nametextOwners Mailing Street Name only
Mailing Address Street Numbermailing_address_street_numbertextOwners Mailing Street Number only
Mailing Address Street Prefixmailing_address_street_prefixtextThe text occurring before a street name.
Mailing Address Street Suffixmailing_address_street_suffixtextThe text following a street name.
Assessed Totalassessed_totalnumberThe sum of all Assessment for the property.
Assessed Landassessed_landnumberThe assessment for the land.
Assessed Buildingassessed_buildingnumberThe assessment for the primary building
Assessed Extra featureassessed_extra_featurenumberThe assessment for extra features of the primary building.
Assessed Outbuildingassessed_outbuildingnumberAccessory Buildings, not the primary building unit
Pre Yr Assessed Buildingpre_yr_assessed_buildingnumberPrevious year's assessment, building
Pre Yr Assessed Extra Featurepre_yr_assessed_extra_featurenumberPrevious year's assessment, extra features
Pre Yr Assessed Landpre_yr_assessed_landnumberPrevious year's assessment, land
Pre Yr Assessed OutBuildingpre_yr_assessed_outbuildingnumberPrevious year's assessment, out building
Pre Yr Assessed Totalpre_yr_assessed_totalnumberPrevious year's assessment, for the whole parcel (total)
Appraised Totalappraised_totalnumberThe sum of all appraisal values for the property
Appraised Landappraised_landnumberThe appraisal of the land
Appraised Buildingappraised_buildingnumberThe appraisal of the primary building
Appraised Extra featureappraised_extra_featurenumberThe appraisal of the extra features of the primary building (Decks, Patios)
Appraised Outbuildingappraised_outbuildingnumberThe appraisel of outbuildings (Sheds, other structures)
Valuation Yearvaluation_yearnumberThe year of the last time the property was revalued
Land Acresland_acresnumberThe area of the parcel in acres
Parcel Depthparcel_depthnumberThe length from the road face to an opposing side. For a rectangular parcel, the depth and frontage can be used to calculate the area.
Parcel Frontageparcel_frontagetextThe length of the parcel facing the road.
Water frontage in Feetwater_frontage_in_feettextThe length of the parcel facing a water feature.
ZonezonetextThe local zoning code the property falls under.
Zone Descriptionzone_descriptiontextThe description of the local zone code.
State Usestate_usetextEquivalent to state land use code.
State Use Descriptionstate_use_descriptiontextLand Use Description.
Style Descstyle_desctextThe architectural style of the structure.
ModelmodeltextThe CAMA model used to value that particular property.
GradegradetextLevel of Craftmanship and Materials.
Grade Descgrade_desctextDefines the Alpha Code used to identify craftmanship and materials.
DepreciationdepreciationtextThe percentage of depreciation since it was new. Equivalent to the opposite of % good.
ConditionconditiontextThe Current Condition code of the building
Condition Descriptioncondition_descriptiontextDescription of Current Condition code
NeighborhoodneighborhoodtextNeighborhood Code. Used to delineate land values without having to adjust the improvement cost. Also can be used to identify areas on a map.
AYBaybnumberActual Year Built
EYBeybnumberEffective Year Built
Replacement Cost Newreplacement_cost_newnumberThe cost to replace the house if it were new.
Replacement Cost New Less Depreciationreplacement_cost_new_lessnumberThe cost to replace the house accounting for depreciation.
Gross Area of Primary Buildinggross_area_of_primary_buildingnumberThis is the sum of all living and non-living areas for the primary building.
Living Arealiving_areanumberThe sum of living area for the primary building.
Effective Areaeffective_areanumberThe effective area for the primary building
StoriesstoriestextThe number of stories the property has.
Frame Typeframe_typetextDefines the primary building frame type
Frame Type Descriptionframe_type_descriptiontextExplanation of Primary Buidling Frame Type
Roof Structure Descriptionroof_structure_descriptiontextThe type of roof on the building.
Roof Cover Descriptionroof_cover_descriptiontextThe materials that cover the roof
Number of Buildingsnumber_of_buildingsnumberNumber of Buildings listed on the Property
Outbuilding Countoutbuilding_countnumberNumber of Outbuildings listed on the Property
Extra Features Countextra_features_countnumberNumber of Extra Features listed on the Property (hot tubs, pizza ovens, etc.)
Permit Countpermit_countnumberNumber of Permits listed on the Property Record Card
Total Roomstotal_roomstextNumber of rooms in the primary building
Number of Bedroomnumber_of_bedroomnumberNumber of bedrooms in the primary building
Number of Bathsnumber_of_bathstextNumber of baths in the primary building
Number of Half Bathsnumber_of_half_bathsnumberNumber of half baths in the primary building.
Bathrm Style Descriptionbathrm_style_descriptiontextDescription of the Style of Bathroom
Kitchen Style Descriptionkitchen_style_descriptiontextDescription of Style of Kitchen
Family Roomsfamily_roomstextNumber of Family Rooms
Attic Typeattic_typetextDescribes the type of attic
Basement Typebasement_typetextDescribes the type of basement
Int Flr1 Descriptionint_flr1_descriptiontextDescription of Primary Flooring Type
Int Wall1 Descriptionint_wall1_descriptiontextDesription of Interior Primary Wall Type
Ext Wall1 Descriptionext_wall1_descriptiontextDescription of Primary Exterior Wall Type
Heat Type Descriptionheat_type_descriptiontextDescription of the Type of Heating System
Heat Fuel Descriptionheat_fuel_descriptiontextDescription of the Type of Heating Fuel
Ac Type Descriptionac_type_descriptiontextDescription of the Type of Air Conditioning System
AC Typeac_typetextDescription of the Type of Air Conditioning System
Heat/ACheat_actextType of Heating and A/C System
Heat/AC Descriptionheat_ac_descriptiontextDescription of the Heating and A/C System
Baths/Plumbingbaths_plumbingtextType of Plumbing
Baths/Plumbing Descriptionbaths_plumbing_descriptiontextDescription of the Type of Plumbing
Ceiling/Wallceiling_walltextType of Ceilings
Ceiling/Wall Descriptionceiling_wall_descriptiontextDescription of Ceiling Type
Rooms/PRTNSrooms_prtnstextType of Partition
Rooms/PRTNS Descriptionrooms_prtns_descriptiontextDescription of the Partition Type
% Comn Wallcomn_wallnumberPercentage of the property that has a common wall
SepticseptictextType of Septic
WellwelltextType of Well
No of Fireplacesno_of_fireplacestextNumber of Fireplaces
Total Xtr fixturestotal_xtr_fixturestextNumber of Extra Fixtures
WhirlpoolwhirlpooltextNumber of Whirlpools
Addn'l Kitchenaddn_l_kitchentextNumber of Additional Kitchens
Bsm Garbsm_gartextNumber of Basement Garage
Fin Bsm Areafin_bsm_areatextSquare Footage of Area in the Basement that is Living Area
Fin Bsm Qualfin_bsm_qualtextQuality of Basement Finish
Base Floor Use (1st floor)base_floor_use_1st_floortextPrimary Use of the First Floor from the Sketch
Base Floor Use Description(1st floor)base_floor_use_descriptiontextDescription of the First Floor Primary Use from the Sketch
Wall Heightwall_heighttextHeight of interior wall
Wall Height Descwall_height_desctextDescription of Wall Height
Book/Pagebook_pagetextMost Recent Deed Book and Page Reference from Sale
Sale Pricesale_pricetextMost Recent Sale Price
Sale Datesale_datetextMost Recent Date of Sale
QualifiedqualifiedtextQualified or Unqualified Sale or is data null
Prior Sale Dateprior_sale_datecalendar_dateSecond Most Recent Sale Date
Prior Book Pageprior_book_pagetextSecond Most Recent Deed Book and Page Reference
Prior Sale Priceprior_sale_pricenumberSecod Most Recent Sale Price
Sale Grantee Namesale_grantee_nametextThe property owners name
Sale Grantor Namesale_grantor_nametextThe name of the person who sold the property
InstrumentinstrumentnumberA code used to track the transaction. This system is the alternative to the archaic book/page process.
Validity Codevalidity_codetextA code to describe the type of sale.
OccupancyoccupancynumberNumber of Occupants/Units
Condo Main IDcondo_main_idtextThe ID that all the condo units refer to.
CAMA Site Linkcama_site_linkurlThe web link to access the web hosted property card.
Building Photobuilding_photourlLink to URL with Property Photo
Number of Unitsnumber_of_unitstextThe total number of apartments or condos in a building.
SketchsketchurlThe web link to the building floor plan or layout image.
Land Use Noteland_use_notetextA note regarding land use information.