Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Economic and Grand List Data, 2020 | Last Updated 30 Jan 2024

Municipal Fiscal Indicators is an annual compendium of information compiled by the Office of Policy and Management, Office of Finance, Municipal Finance Services Unit (MFS). Municipal Fiscal Indicators contains the most current financial data available for each of Connecticut's 169 municipalities. The data contained in Indicators provides key financial and demographic information on municipalities in Connecticut. The data includes selected demographic and economic data relating to, or having an impact upon, a municipality’s financial condition. The majority of this data was compiled from the audited financial statements that are filed annually with the State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management, Office of Finance. Unlike prior years' where the audited financial information was compiled by OPM, the FY 2020 information in this edition was based upon the self-reporting by municipalities of their own audited data. The most recent edition is for the Fiscal Years Ended 2016-2020 published in July 2022. Data on the 2020 Municipal Fiscal Indicators is included in the following datasets: 1. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators, 2020</a> 2. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Uniform Chart of Accounts - Expenditures by Town, 2020</a> 3. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Uniform Chart of Accounts - Expenses by Function, 2020</a> 4. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Pension Funding Information For Defined Benefit Pension Plans, 2020</a> 5. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), 2020</a> 6. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Type and Number of Pension Plans, 2020</a> 7. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Economic and Grand List Data, 2020</a> 8. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Benchmark Labor Data, 2020</a> 9. <a href="">Municipal Fiscal Indicators: Bond Ratings, 2020</a>

Tags: 2020 municipal fiscal indicators, municipal fiscal indicators, opm

This dataset has the following 37 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Entity Nameentity_nametextEntity Name
Area in Sq. Milesarea_in_sq_miles_2020_censusnumberArea in Sq. Miles - 2020 Census
PopulationpopulationnumberPopulation as of 7-1-2020
Per Capita Incomeper_capita_income_2020_estimatenumberPer Capita Income - 2020 Estimate
Median Values - Owner Occupied Homesmedian_values_owner_occupied_homes_2020_estimatesnumberMedian Values - Owner Occupied Homes - 2020 Estimates
Margin of Error - Median Values - Owner Occupied Homesmargin_of_error_median_values_owner_occupied_homes_2020_estimatesnumberMargin of Error - Median Values - Owner Occupied Homes - 2020 Estimates
Median Household Incomemedian_household_income_2020_estimatenumberMedian Household Income - 2020 Estimate
School Enrollment - 2018-19school_enrollment_2018_19numberSchool Enrollment - 2018-19 - Final
Net Current Education Expenditure - 2018-19net_current_educationnumberNet Current Education Expenditure - 2018-19 - Final
School Enrollment - 2019-20school_enrollment_2019_20numberSchool Enrollment - 2019-20 - Preliminary
Net Current Education Expenditure - 2019-20net_current_education_1numberNet Current Education Expenditure - 2019-20 - Preliminary
Form of Governmentform_of_governmenttextForm of Government
Mill Rate - Motor Vehiclesmill_rate_motor_vehiclesnumberMill Rate - Motor Vehicles - GL Yr 2020
Mill Rate - Real and Personal Propertymill_rate_real_and_personalnumberMill Rate - Real and Personal Property - GL Yr 2020
Net Grand Listnet_grand_list_2020_gl_yearnumberNet Grand List - 2020 GL Year
Equalized Net Grand Listequalized_net_grand_listnumberEqualized Net Grand List - GL Yr 2019
Tax Exempt Property Assessmentgl_yr_2020_tax_exempt_propertynumberTax Exempt Property Assessment - GL Yr 2020
Total Exempt and Taxable Property Assessmentgl_yr_2020_total_exempt_andnumberTotal Exempt and Taxable Property Assessment - GL Yr 2020
Last Revaluation Datelast_revaluation_as_of_2020calendar_dateLast Revaluation (As of 2020 GL Yr)
Next Revaluation Datenext_revaluation_as_of_2020calendar_dateNext Revaluation (As of 2020 GL Yr)
Net Grand List: Residentialresidential_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Residential - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Commercialcommercial_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Commercial - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Industrialindustrial_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Industrial - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Public Utilitypublic_utility_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Public Utility - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Apartmentapartment_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Apartment - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Real Propertytotal_real_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Real Property - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Real Exemptionsreal_exemptions_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Real Exemptions - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Net Real Propertytotal_net_real_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Net Real Property - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Motor Vehicletotal_mv_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Motor Vehicle - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Motor Vehicle Exemptionsmv_exemptions_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Motor Vehicle Exemptions - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Net Motor Vehicletotal_net_mv_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Net Motor Vehicle - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Personal Propertytotal_pers_prop_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Personal Property - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Personal Property Exemptionspers_prop_exemptions_2020numberNet Grand List: Personal Property Exemptions - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Net Personal Propertytotal_net_pers_prop_2020numberNet Grand List: Total Net Personal Property - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Grand Listtotal_grand_list_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Total Grand List - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Total Net Grand Listtotal_net_grand_list_2020numberNet Grand List: Total Net Grand List - 2020 GLYR
Net Grand List: Otherother_2020_glyrnumberNet Grand List: Other - 2020 GLYR