DCF Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) Claimed Funds By Program, Provider and Calendar Quarter

data.ct.gov | Last Updated 22 Mar 2024

Providers of services reimbursed (partially or fully) by the federal government must periodically determine whether the amounts of the reimbursement for said services exceed a certain threshold, above which the provider must perform (or hire someone to perform), an audit of their records. The purpose of this dataset is to give Providers of DCF contracted services the amounts for which the state of CT has claimed federal reimbursement for under TANF so that they can determine whether or not they will require an audit. Each row in the dataset represents the amount that CT has claimed TANF reimbursement for a specific provider, program and reporting quarter

Tags: dcf, tanf, department of children and families, temporary aid to needy families, sub-recipient

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Data_as_ofdata_as_ofcalendar_dateDate the data was pulled from the database
SFYsfynumberState Fiscal Year
FFYffynumberFederal Fiscal Year
Quarter_Endingquarter_endingcalendar_dateLast day of the reporting quarter in which the TANF expenditures were claimed for each provider/program
Service Typeservice_typetextName of the Program (service type) for which DCF has contracted with this Vendor to provide
Provider_Nameprovider_nametextName of the Provider (sub-recipient) with whom DCF has contracted to provide the service
Claimed_CFDA_93.558claimed_cfda_93_558numberAmount that DCF claimed federal reimbursement under TANF for this provider/program/quarter, for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) account number 93.558