School Readiness 2015-16 By Town ( May) | Last Updated 15 Sep 2023

OEC - School Readiness Spaces - Priority and Competitive District for Preschool aged children by town and space type.

Tags: education, child day care, preschool, early care

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Total School Readiness Preschool Spacestotal_school_readiness_preschool_spacesnumber
Full Day School Readiness Preschool Spacesfull_day_school_readiness_preschool_spacesnumber
School Day School Readiness Preschool Spacesschool_day_school_readiness_preschool_spacesnumber
Part Day School Readiness Preschool Spacespart_day_school_readiness_preschool_spacesnumber
Extended Day School Readiness Preschool Spacesextended_day_school_readiness_preschool_spacesnumber
Capacity (Cap.)capacity_captext
Funding Type Priority (PSR) or Competitive (CSR) School Readinessfunding_type_priority_psr_or_competitive_csr_school_readinesstext
Month and Year for OEC SR Slot Gridmonth_and_year_for_oec_sr_slot_gridtext