Births in 2013 | Last Updated 20 Oct 2016

This is a public use data file on Delaware Births for 2009 to 2013 obtained from the Delaware certificate of live births. It includes the basic demographic information of the mother and some characteristics of birth.

Tags: delaware, births, baby

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
YEARyearnumberYear of birth
STATE OF RESIDENCEstate_of_residencetextMother's state of residence
COUNTY OF RESIDENCEcounty_of_residencetextMother's county of residence.
PLACE OF BIRTHplace_of_birthtextPlace of birth is the type of facility or place where the birth occurred such as hospital, birthing center, home, en route, or other.
MOM's RACEmom_s_racetextRace data are grouped for purposes of data analysis into the following categories established by NCHS: White, Black, Other (American Indian/Aleut/Eskimo and Asian & Pacific Islander {Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, Filipino and Other Asian or Pacific Islander}).
MOM'S HISPANmom_s_hispantextMother is of Hispanic origin (Yes or No). This question is considered to be separate from the Race question.
MOM'S MARITAL STATUSmom_s_marital_statustextMother's marital status
MOM'S EDUCATIONmom_s_educationtextMother’s Educational Attainment or the highest level of formal education completed. Education is divided into three groupings; under grade twelve, high school graduate or equivalent (GED), and one or more years of college.
MOM'S AGEmom_s_agetextMother’s age is divided into three groupings; less than twenty years of age, twenty to thirty four years of age, and thirty five years and older.
START OF PRENATAL CAREstart_of_prenatal_caretextThe trimester of the pregnancy in which prenatal care began.
PAYMENTpaymenttextSource of Payment for delivery (private insurance, Medicaid, and self pay)
MODE OF DELIVERYmode_of_deliverytextMethod of Delivery in two groups: vaginal or cesarean section.
LIVE BIRTH ORDERlive_birth_ordertextLive Birth Order indicates the numeric relationship of a newborn child to other children born alive to the mother during previous deliveries.
PLURALITYpluralitytextPlurality represents the number of siblings born as the result of a single pregnancy.
GESTATIONgestationtextGestation is the number of weeks elapsed between the first day of the last normal menstrual period (LMP) and the date of birth. When the date of the LMP is incompletely reported or the length of gestation as computed from the LMP is inconsistent with the reported birth weight, the "clinical estimate of gestation" is used. Preterm is less than 37 weeks. Term is 37 weeks to 41 weeks. Post-term is more than 42 weeks.
BIRTH WEIGHTbirth_weighttextBirthweight is the first weight of the fetus or newborn obtained after birth. This weight should be measured within the first hour of life before significant postnatal weight loss has occurred. Birthweight is measured in grams and divided into three groups; less than 1500 grams, 1500 to 2499 grams, and greater than 2500 grams.
CountcountnumberThis column has been added strictly to be able to count records for summaries and visualizations. The value will always be "1".