Certified Vendors - Office of Supplier Diversity

data.delaware.gov | Last Updated 13 May 2024

This data set is of certified businesses owned and controlled 51% or more by minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. The data set is updated daily and is searchable and exportable at this link: http://directory.osd.gss.omb.delaware.gov/index.shtml. The Office of Supplier Diversity's mission is to assist the entire supplier diversity community of minority, women, veteran, service disabled veteran, and individuals with disabilities owned businesses as well as small businesses of a unique size in competing for the provision of commodities, services, and construction to State departments, agencies, authorities, school districts, higher education institutions and all businesses. The Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) sits within the Division of Small Business (DSB), a Division of the Department of State (DOS).

Tags: supplier diversity, certification, certified business, vendor, supplier, diversity, minority, woman, veteran, service disabled veteran, women, disabled owned, mbe, wbe, vobe, sdvobe, idwbe, sbf, osd, procurement, small business

This dataset has the following 80 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Company Namecompany_nametextCompany Name
OSDCertNumosdcertnumtextCertification Number with OSD as prefix.
Contact Namecontact_nametextPrimary Company Contact
Address 1address_1textDBA name or Street or PO Box number
Address 2address_2textAdditional Street or PO Box number info
Zip Codezip_codetextZip Code
TeltelnumberPrimary contact telephone number.
FaxfaxnumberPrimary contact facsimile number.
WebSitewebsitetextCompany website address
EMailemailtextPrimary contact email address
Building Tradebuilding_tradetext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
Consultantconsultanttext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
General Servicesgeneral_servicestext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
License Professionallicense_professionaltext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
Manufacturemanufacturetext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
Suppliersuppliertext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
Highway Constructionhighway_constructiontext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
Other Servicesother_servicestext1 of 8 industry labels in the OSD certification.
DelDOTdeldottextIdentifies a business as certified DBE by Delaware DOT
MD DOTmd_dottextIdentifies a business as certified DBE by Maryland DOT
NMSDCnmsdctextIdentifies a business as certified by the National Minority Supplier Development Council, a national corporate certification
PAUCPpaucptextIdentifies a business as certified DBE by Pennsylvania DOT
WBENCwbenctextIdentifies a business as certified by the Women Business Enterprise National Council, a national corporate certification
PAMWBpamwbtextIdentifies a business as certified by Pennsylvania as Woman or Minority Business Enterprise (this PA program is life-cycling out)
WilmCitywilmcitytextIdentifies a business as certified by the City of Wilmington Minority Business Office
NJMWBnjmwbtextIdentifies a business as certified by New Jersey as Woman or Minority Business Enterprise
SAMsamtextIdentifies a business as listed with the Federal Government System of Awards Management
MBEmbetextA State of Delaware certification within OSD meaning: Minority Business Enterprise
WBEwbetextA State of Delaware certification within OSD meaning: Woman Business Enterprise
8(a)_8_atextA federal government certification. More information can be found at: https://www.sba.gov/contracting/government-contracting-programs/8a-business-development-program
Foreign Stateforeign_statetextCategorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD if a company is certified in their home state, where their corporate headquarters sit, but is not a geographically neighboring state to Delaware.
VOBEvobetextA State of Delaware certification within OSD meaning: Veteran Owned Business Enterprise
SDVOBEsdvobetextA State of Delaware certification within OSD meaning: Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise
IWDBEiwdbetextA State of Delaware certification within OSD meaning: Individual with DisAbilities Business Enterprise
Africanafricantext1 of 5 ethnicities included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Minority Business Enterprise, as African American.
Asianasiantext1 of 5 ethnicities included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Minority Business Enterprise, as Asian American.
SubAsiansubasiantext1 of 5 ethnicities included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Minority Business Enterprise, as SubContinent Asian American.
Hispanichispanictext1 of 5 ethnicities included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Minority Business Enterprise, as Hispanic American.
NativeAmernativeamertext1 of 5 ethnicities included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Minority Business Enterprise, as Native American.
WhitewhitetextCategorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Woman Business Enterprise; Caucasian
OtherothertextA historical categorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD. (this categorization is life-cycling out).
WomanwomantextCategorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a: Woman Business Enterprise, and allows for data across the OSD certifications: Minority, Veteran, Service Disabled Veteran, and Individual with DisAbility.
DisableddisabledtextCategorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a Service Disabled Veteran and/or an Individual with DisAbility.
VeteranveterantextCategorization included in the State of Delaware certification within OSD as a Veteran and a Service Disabled Veteran.
Job Descriptionjob_descriptiontextThe vendor’s detailed description of the product(s) and/or services the business provides. Including a list of KEYWORDS that a buyer would search to find the business’s goods or services.
NAICSCode1naicscode1numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode2naicscode2numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode3naicscode3numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode4naicscode4numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode5naicscode5numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode6naicscode6numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode7naicscode7numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode8naicscode8numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode9naicscode9numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode10naicscode10numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode11naicscode11numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode12naicscode12numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode13naicscode13numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode14naicscode14numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode15naicscode15numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode16naicscode16numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode17naicscode17numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode18naicscode18numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode19naicscode19numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode20naicscode20numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode21naicscode21numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode22naicscode22numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode23naicscode23numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode24naicscode24numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode25naicscode25numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode26naicscode26numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode27naicscode27numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode28naicscode28numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode29naicscode29numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode30naicscode30numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
NAICSCode31naicscode31numberNAICS is an acronym of the North American Industry Classification System. These are industry codes of 6 digit numbers that group business functions across seven major industries nationally. A business is certified for as many NAICS codes as they are currently able to meet eligibility standards for. NAICS can be viewed at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/
Geocoded Locationgeocoded_locationpointThe geocoded location created from the vendor address to represent this data on a map.
CertifiedcertifiedtextCertified Vendor (Y or N)