Student Graduation | Last Updated 3 Oct 2023

This file contains number of students and the corresponding graduation rate of students who receive a regular high school diploma at the end of their high school matriculation. There may be up to three graduation rates for a given school year. The 4-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 4 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman (9th grader). The 5-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 5 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman. The 6-year rate represents the number of students who graduate with a regular diploma within 6 years of enrolling as a first-time freshman. Because the 5- and 6-year graduation rates include those students who graduated within 4 years, the 5- and 6- year rates will generally be larger than the 4-year graduation rate.

Tags: graduation, education

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
School YearschoolyeartextSchool year for which record is applicable. For example, 2016 = school year which ended in June 2016.
District CodedistrictcodenumberNumber representing each School District. Statewide data rows will have “0” in this column.
DistrictdistricttextFull name of the School District. Statewide data rows have "State of Delaware" in this column.
School CodeschoolcodenumberNumber representing each School within the school district. Statewide or Districtwide data rows will have “0” in this column.
OrganizationorganizationtextFull name of the Organization which is the School if School Code is given in the row. Districtwide data rows give full name of School District. Statewide rows give "State of Delaware" in this column.
RaceracetextRepresents the race/ethnicity of the unique group of students within a school/district.
GendergendertextRepresents the gender of the unique group of students within a school/district.
SpecialDemospecialdemotextRepresents the special population status of the unique group of students within a school/district.
GeographygeographytextRepresents the geography of the unique group of students within a school/district.
SubGroupsubgrouptextNames the unique group of students within a school/district described by the combination of Race, Gender, Grade, SpecialDemo, and Geography.
RateTyperatetypetextThe graduation rate.
RowStatusrowstatustextIndicates whether the aggregate data in this row has either been REDACTED or REPORTED. If redacted, certain data has been hidden to comply with state and federal privacy laws. For more information, contact the Delaware Department of Education.
GraduatesgraduatesnumberThe number of students in the specified subgroup who earned a regular diploma.
StudentsstudentsnumberThe number of students in the specified subgroup.
PctGraduatespctgraduatesnumberThe percentage of students earned a regular diploma with 4, 5, or 6 years. This is the number of graduates in the specified subgroup divided by the number of students in the specified subgroup.