Child Care Licensing Compliance Review Information | Last Updated 7 Sep 2024

The data shown is the result of a Compliance Review of a Licensed Child Care facility visit by the Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL) Specialist(s). During the visit the Licensing Specialist(s) fill out a Compliance Review form, checking for compliance on items covered under Delaware's Delacare Regulations. Compliances and violations are noted on the form. The Licensing Specialist will write notes about items to be corrected and dates for corrections to be completed.

Tags: child care, facility review, compliance, facility visit, child, stars, daycare, day care, occl, childcare, childcare licensing

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
License Numberlicense_numbertextThe license number issued by the State of Delaware.
Provider Nameprovider_nametextThe name of the child care provider or facility.
Facility Regulation Statusfacility_regulation_statustextThe status of the facility regulation check. The choices are "Compliance" or "Non-Compliance".
Provider Type of Actionprovider_action_type_of_actiontextFor this dataset this will always be "Facility Visit".
Provider Date of Visitprovider_action_date_of_visitcalendar_dateDate when the OCCL Specialist visited the facility.
Facility Visit Typefacility_visit_typetextThe type of child care facility visit. Examples are "Announced", "Unannounced", "Complaint Visit", "Enforcement Visit", plus others.
Facility Visit Regulation Citedregulation_citedcalendar_dateDate when the OCCL Specialist documented the violation.
Facility Visit Regulation Coderegulation_codetextCode to identify a regulation.
Facility Visit Regulation Short Descriptionregulation_short_desctextShort description of a regulation.
Facility Correction Due Dateregulation_correction_duecalendar_dateDate when the facility violation must be corrected.
Facility Correction Statusregulation_correction_statustextStatus indicator for a regulation. The choices are "Compliant", "Pending", and "Corrected". If a regulation is marked "Compliant" the item passed inspection. "Pending" items failed inspection and need to be fixed. "Corrected" items are items that failed inspection and have been fixed.
Facility Corrected Dateregulation_corrected_datecalendar_dateDate when the facility violation was corrected.
Facility How Correctedregulation_how_correctedtextIndicator for how the violation was corrected.
Facility Corrective Action Notesregulation_corrective_actiontextOCCL Specialist notes about the violation. This can include info about the violation, how to correct it, when it was corrected, etc.