Pet Licenses by Neighbourhood | Last Updated 8 Jun 2024

Distribution of various currently-licensed pets (cats, dogs, pigeons) by neighbourhood. Note that this is a snapshot of pets that were licensed as of the last update date of this dataset; if a pet was licensed a number of years ago but that license has since expired and not been renewed, the details of that pet will not appear in this dataset. It is therefore not possible to use this dataset to see trends in pet licensing over time. The rows with a year value of '2017' for example do not represent a comprehensive list of all pets that were licensed in 2017, but rather the subset of those pets that are still licensed as of the last update date of this dataset.

Tags: pets, dogs, cats, breeds, odd2022yeg

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
YEARyearnumberYear when the pet is licensed
MONTHmonthtextMonth name when pet is licensed.
MONTH_NUMBERmonth_numbernumberNumber for month when pet is licenced.
LICENSE_DATElicense_datecalendar_dateMonth and year date when pet is licensed
NEIGHBOURHOODneighbourhoodtextName of Neighbourhood where one may find the licensed pet
NEIGHBOURHOOD_IDneighbourhood_idtextUnique Neighbourhood identifier
PET_TYPEpet_typetextCategorization of licensed pet - cat, dog or pigeon
BREEDbreedtextA breed is a group of domestic animals with a homogeneous appearance, behavior, and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals of the same species, and arrived at through selective breeding.
GENDERgendertextGender of pet animal - Male or Female
SPAYED_OR_NEUTEREDspayed_or_neuteredtextDeclaration if pet has been spayed or neutered
LATITUDElatitudenumberHorizontal location of Neighbourhood Centroid
LONGITUDElongitudenumberVertical location of Neighbourhood Centroid
LOCATIONlocationlocationCentroid Location of Neighbourhood
COUNTcountnumberUnique count for record - used for reporting
Point Locationpoint_locationpoint