Winter City Design - Edmonton Insight Community | Last Updated 17 Jul 2019

This was one single topic among many as part of the September 2015 Mixed Topic survey. Test link to view these questions: Open from September 08 - 16, 2015. At the time the survey was launched survey invitations were sent to 3516 Insight Community Members. 1477 members completed the survey which represents a completion rate of 42%. A total of 1637 respondents completed the survey: 1477 Insight Community Members and 160 using the anonymous link which will have no demographic info.

Tags: insight, surveys, 2015, winter city design

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ResponseDateresponsedatecalendar_dateDate/Time the respondent first opened/started the survey.
CompletionDatecompletiondatecalendar_dateDate/Time the respondent finished the survey.
WinterCityLaunchwintercitylaunchtextRespondents were asked to select one response. Question: - Would you be interested in attending a launch to winter event? || Possible Answers: Yes, I would!/No, I would not/I'm not sure
WinterDesignGuidelineswinterdesignguidelinestextRespondents were asked to select one response. Question: - Are you aware that the City is developing Winter Design Guidelines to help builders, developers and the City make Edmonton more comfortable and enjoyable outdoors in winter? || Possible Answers: Yes, I am./No, I'm not./I'm not sure.
DesignforWinterImptc_Consider winter conditions in designsdesignforwinterimptc_consider_winter_conditions_in_designstextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Consider winter conditions in designs? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
WinterDesignElements_Sun - Designing spaces that capture sunlight year-round.winterdesignelements_sun_designing_spaces_that_capture_sunlight_year_roundtextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Sun - Designing spaces that capture sunlight year-round.? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
WinterDesignElements_Wind - Blocking wind to improve outdoor comfort.winterdesignelements_wind_blocking_wind_to_improve_outdoor_comforttextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Wind - Blocking wind to improve outdoor comfort.? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
WinterDesignElements_Colour - Using colour on buildings and in public spaces.winterdesignelements_colour_using_colour_on_buildings_and_in_public_spacestextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Colour - Using colour on buildings and in public spaces.? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
WinterDesignElements_Light - Using light creatively during the dark winter months to increase comfort, safety and beauty.winterdesignelements_light_using_light_creatively_during_the_dark_winter_months_to_increase_comfort_safety_and_beautytextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Light - Using light creatively during the dark winter months to increase comfort, safety and beauty.? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
WinterDesignElements_Infrastructure - Installing infrastructure such as fire pits, indoor running toilets, and warming huts to make outdoor winter activities more enjoyable.winterdesignelements_infrastructure_installing_infrastructure_such_as_fire_pits_indoor_running_toilets_and_warming_huts_to_make_outdoor_winter_activities_more_enjoyabletextRespondents were asked to rank the following on a scale. Question: Infrastructure - Installing infrastructure such as fire pits, indoor running toilets, and warming huts to make outdoor winter activities more enjoyable.? || Possible Answers: 5 Very important/4 Somewhat important/3 Neither important nor unimportant/2 Somewhat unimportant/1 Not at all important/Not Sure
OSTypeostypetextSystem Captured, OS used by the respondent. Question: OS Type? - OSType || Possible Answers: Mac (OS X)/Linux/Windows/iOS/Android/BlackBerry/Unknown
DeviceTypedevicetypetextSystem Captured, Device used by the respondent. Question: Device Type? - DeviceType || Possible Answers: Tablet/Desktop/Phone
BrowserTypebrowsertypetextSystem Captured, Browser used by the respondent. Question: Browser Type? - BrowserType || Possible Answers: Internet Explorer/Firefox/Safari/Google Chrome/Opera/Android/BlackBerry/Unknown
Q3_Own_Rent (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q3_own_rent_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Do you own or rent your primary residence in the City of Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Own/Rent
GENDER (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)gender_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Are you…? || Possible Answers: Male/Female/Other/I prefer not to answer
Q7_Children (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q7_children_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Do you have children 18 or under living at home? || Possible Answers: Yes/No
Q8_Born_Canada (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q8_born_canada_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Were you born in Canada? || Possible Answers: Yes/No
Q9a_Edmonton (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q9a_edmonton_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - How long have you lived in Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Less than 1 year/Between 1 to 2 years/Between 3 to 5 years/Greater than 5 years/I do not live in Edmonton
Q10_Own_Business (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q10_own_business_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Do you own a business in the City of Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Yes/No
Q11_Home_Language (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q11_home_language_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - What is the primary language spoken in your household? || Possible Answers: English/Arabic/Cantonese/Spanish/Panjabi (Punjabi)/French/German/Mandarin/Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino)/Ukrainian/Other (Specify)
Q12_Employment_Status (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q12_employment_status_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - What is your current employment status? || Possible Answers: Employed full-time (30+ hours a week)/Employed part-time (0-30 hours a week)/Homemaker/Post-secondary student/High School Student/Unemployed/Permanently unable to Work/Retired/Other (Specify)
Q13_Volunteer (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q13_volunteer_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - In the last 12 months, did you do any activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization as a volunteer? || Possible Answers: Yes/No
Q14a_Primary_Transportation (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q14a_primary_transportation_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - What is your primary mode of transportation? || Possible Answers: Car/truck/Van as DRIVER/Car/truck/van as PASSENGER/Public Transit/Walk/Bicycle/Other (Specify)
Q14b_Secondary_Transportation (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q14b_secondary_transportation_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - What is your secondary mode of transportation? || Possible Answers: Car/truck/Van as DRIVER/Car/truck/van as PASSENGER/Public Transit/Walk/Bicycle/Only have one mode of transportation/Other (Specify)
Q15_Household_Income (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q15_household_income_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2014 before taxes? || Possible Answers: Under $20,000/$20,000 to $29,999/$30,000 to $39,999/$40,000 to $49,999/$50,000 to $59,999/$60,000 to $79,999/$80,000 to $99,999/$100,000 to $149,000/$150,000 and over/Prefer not to answer
Q16_Education (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q16_education_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - What is the highest level of education you have completed? || Possible Answers: Elementary/grade school graduate/High school graduate/College / technical school graduate/University undergraduate degree/Post-graduate degree/Professional school graduate (e.g. medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry)
Q17_City_Employee (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)q17_city_employee_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, one response selected by respondent. - Do you work for the City of Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Yes/No
FSA (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)fsa_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textForward Sortation Area (first 3 characters of postal code)
Age_Rollup_Detailed (Study: Profiling Questionnaire 2014)age_rollup_detailed_study_profiling_questionnaire_2014textProfiling question, Based on birthdate entered by Respondent. System Determined. Question: Age Rollup? - || Possible Answers: Under 15/15-17/18-24/25-29/30-34/35-39/40-44/45-49/50-54/55-59/60-64/65-69/70-74/75-79/80 and over