Edmonton Business Census

data.edmonton.ca | Last Updated 5 Feb 2024

The dataset is a collection of business information, including business names, geographical locations, and the specific sectors and industries they belong to. The dataset is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring, analyzing, or understanding the diverse landscape of businesses in Edmonton. Some of the information include the North American Industry Classification (NAICS) code - a standardized system used to classify businesses and industries in North America. These codes, ranging from two to six digits, provide a comprehensive framework for classifying establishments based on their primary economic activities.

Tags: edmonton business census

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
objectidobjectidnumberprimary key that uniquely identifies each record
Last Edited Datelast_edited_datecalendar_dateThe data was downloaded from arcGIS map
Business Namebusiness_nametextName of Business establishment. In some cases, this may be different from legal names.
Business Descriptionbusiness_descriptiontextBusiness description.
ExportexporttextYes - businesses that export goods and services outside Canada; and NO - for business that do not
Hybrid Workhybrid_worktextYes - for business that allow hybrid work
Business Addressbusiness_addresstextStreet address
Unit Numberunit_numbertextUnit number
Postal Codepostal_codetextPostal code
Business Websitebusiness_websitetextBusiness website
Year Of Establishmentyear_of_establishmenttextThe year the business was established in Edmonton, based on survey response and online search
Sectorssectorstextlevel 1: sectors (two-digit NAICS codes) label
Sectors Codesectors_codetextlevel 1: sectors (two-digit NAICS codes)
Subsectorssubsectorstextlevel 2: subsectors (three-digit NAICS codes) label
Subsectors Codesubsectors_codetextlevel 2: subsectors (three-digit NAICS codes)
Industry Groupindustry_grouptextlevel 3: industry groups (four-digit NAICS codes) label
Industry Group Codeindustry_group_codetextlevel 3: industry groups (four-digit NAICS codes)
Industriesindustriestextlevel 4: industries (five-digit NAICS codes) label
Industries Codeindustries_codetextlevel 4: industries (five-digit NAICS codes)
NAICS Codenaics_codetextlevel 5: Canadian industries (six-digit NAICS codes) label
NAICS Descriptionnaics_descriptiontextlevel 5: Canadian industries (six-digit NAICS codes)
Service Or Goodsservice_or_goodstextVariant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Goods and services producing industries
Ward Nameward_nametextCivic ward name where the business is located
BIAbiatextBusiness improvement area where the business is located
Neighbourhood Nameneighbourhood_nametextName of the neighbourhood where the business is located
Neighbourhood Numberneighbourhood_numbernumberNumeric unique identifier of the neighbourhood where the business is located
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude in decimal degrees of the business's location
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude in decimal degrees of the business's location
GeometrygeompointPoint location of the business in WKT (Well-Known Text) format, for mapping and geospatial analysis