Mosquito Trap Data | Last Updated 16 Sep 2024

Capture results of mosquitoes from various locations in Edmonton. These collections are from standard New Jersey light traps that are commonly used to record changes in abundance of mosquitoes before and after control campaigns and to compare seasonal and annual fluctuations in population. Since not all mosquito species are attracted equally to light traps, the City uses a variety of other trapping and survey methods (with their own limitations) to monitor mosquitoes. Not all trap collection sites are factored into the historical averages. Some data can be incomplete due to trap failure. Some trap locations change over time. Trap collections reflect, not absolute population levels, but mosquito activity, which is influenced by changing environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, etc.). The weekly averages do not include any male mosquitoes or any females of species that do not typically bite people. Each data set reflects the mosquito activity of the week previous to the collection date. To complement this dataset, there is the Rainfall Gauge data which measures rainfall data in the Greater Edmonton area:

Tags: mosquitoes, mosquito traps, mosquito counts

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Trap Datetrap_datecalendar_dateDate when the mosquito traps are collected. An empty mosquito traps are replaced for the next collection at the same time.
GenusgenustextLow-level taxonomic ranking for biological classification
Specific Epithetspecific_epithettextLowest taxonomic rank and having common characteristics and (usually) capable of mating with one another.
GendergendertextFemale or male
IDdiddtextSpecimens too damaged for precise identification or not significant in the mosquito program are marked with a value of UnID.
CountcountnumberThe number of mosquitoes trapped at this Trap Region on this Trap Date.
Trap Regiontrap_regiontextThe description of where the mosquito trap was placed.
IncludeincludetextBlank or no.
Comparison Groupcomparison_grouptextTrap areas used to evaluate mosquito program efficacy.
LatitudelatitudenumberThe geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of the mosquito trap.
LongitudelongitudenumberThe geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of the mosquito trap.
Locationgeocoded_columnpointThe combination of latitude/longitude for mapping purposes.