Measuring Progress Questionnaire - Volunteerism | Last Updated 17 Jul 2019

This was survey sent to the Insight Community in conjunction with a telephone survey performed to gauge residents thoughts on the City and how they think about their city. Test link to view these questions: Open from January 26 - February 04, 2015. At the time the survey was launched survey invitations were sent to 2215 Insight Community Members. 1127 members completed the survey which represents a completion rate of 51%. A total of 1284 respondents completed the survey: 1127 Insight Community Members and 157 using the Open link.

Tags: insight, surveys, measuring progress, volunteerism

This dataset has the following 32 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ResponseDateresponsedatecalendar_dateDate/Time the respondent first opened/started the survey.
CompletionDatecompletiondatecalendar_dateDate/Time the respondent finished the survey.
Q12q12textQuestion: Over the past year, have you volunteered with or for a community group, charity or similar organization?? || Possible Answers: Yes|No|Don't Remember
Q15_VolunteeringforaCityofEdmontonboardorcommitteeq15_volunteeringforacityofedmontonboardorcommitteenumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - a City of Edmonton board or committee || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_VolunteeringforanycommunityboardorcommitteeotherthanaCiq15_volunteeringforanycommunityboardorcommitteeotherthanacinumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - any community board or committee other than a City one || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Volunteeringforareligiousgroupq15_volunteeringforareligiousgroupnumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - a religious group || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Volunteeringforanenvironmentalorganizationq15_volunteeringforanenvironmentalorganizationnumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - an environmental organization || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Volunteeringwithanorganizationinvolvedwithyouthchildrenq15_volunteeringwithanorganizationinvolvedwithyouthchildrennumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - an organization involved with youth/children || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_VolunteeringatcommunityeventssuchasfestivalsCityeventsoq15_volunteeringatcommunityeventssuchasfestivalscityeventsonumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - community events such as festivals || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Volunteeringatyourlocallibraryorothercommunityfacilityq15_volunteeringatyourlocallibraryorothercommunityfacilitynumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - your local library or other community facility || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Volunteeredforacommunitysafetyprojectorprogramq15_volunteeredforacommunitysafetyprojectorprogramnumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - a community safety project or program || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Donatingtimetoalocalcharityq15_donatingtimetoalocalcharitynumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - Donating time to a local charity || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Otherq15_othernumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - Other || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
Q15_Noneoftheseq15_noneofthesenumberQuestion: Have you volunteered for... - None of these || Possible Answers: 1 - Selected | 0 - Not selected
DeviceTypedevicetypetextSystem Captured, Device used by the respondent. Question: Device Type? - DeviceType || Possible Answers: Tablet/Desktop/Phone
BrowserTypebrowsertypetextSystem Captured, Browser used by the respondent. Question: Browser Type? - BrowserType || Possible Answers: Internet Explorer/Firefox/Safari/Google Chrome/Opera/Android/BlackBerry/Unknown
number_in_householdnumber_in_householdnumberQuestion: How many people are there in your household?
ChildrenchildrentextQuestion: Children in your household? || Possible Answers: Yes|No
EducationeducationtextProfiling question. Question: What is the highest level of education you have achieved?? || Possible Answers: Less than high school|Graduated high school|Graduated college, technical or vocational school|Graduated university|Prefer not to answer
GENDERgendertextProfiling question. Question: Your gender? || Possible Answers: Female|Male|Other|I prefer not to answer
Job_statusjob_statustextProfiling question. Question: Which of the following best describes your employment status, are you currently... || Possible Answers: Working full time|Working part time|A student|Not working outside the home|Retired|Prefer not to answer
Personal_Incomepersonal_incometextProfiling question. Question: Which of the following best describes your total personal annual income before taxes? || Possible Answers: Less than $20,000|Between $20,000 and $29,999|Between $30,000 and $49,999|Between $50,000 and $79,999|Between $80,000 and $119,999|$120,000 or more|Prefer not to answer
Household_Incomehousehold_incometextProfiling question. Question: Which of the following best describes your total annual household income before taxes? || Possible Answers: Less than $20,000|Between $20,000 and $29,999|Between $30,000 and $49,999|Between $50,000 and $79,999|Between $80,000 and $119,999|$120,000 or more|Prefer not to answer
LanguagelanguagetextProfiling question. Question: What is the primary language spoken in your household? || Possible Answers: English|French|Other
AgeagetextProfiling question. Question: Your age? || Possible Answers: 15 - 18|18 - 24|25 - 34|35 - 44|45 - 54|55 - 64|65 years and over|Refused
CoE_WOrkcoe_worktextProfiling question. Question: Do you work for the City of Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Yes|No
VotevotetextProfiling question. Question: Did you vote in the most recent municipal election for the City of Edmonton? || Possible Answers: Yes|No|I was not eligible
Own_Rentown_renttextProfiling question. Question: Do you currently own or rent your place of residence? || Possible Answers: Own|Rent
ResidenceresidencetextProfiling question. Question: What type of residence do you live in? || Possible Answers: House|Duplex|Four-plex|Apartment|Condo|Townhouse|Other
Born_in_canadaborn_in_canadatextProfiling question. Question: Were you? || Possible Answers: Born in Canada|Moved to Canada from somewhere else
FSAfsatextForward Sortation Area (first 3 characters of postal code)
QDRqdrtextProfiling question. Question: City Quadrant? || Possible Answers: NW|NE|SE|SW