Weather Data (Daily) - Environment Canada | Last Updated 4 Oct 2024

Environment Canada Data Licence Agreement: Environment Canada Terms and Conditions: Environment Canada Quality of Historic Weather Data Statement: Please direct any inquiries directly to Environment Canada:

Tags: environment canada, climate data, weather data

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Row IDrow_idtextUnique identifier that combines the Station ID, the year, the month, the day, the hour, the minute and the second that the data was recorded.
Station IDstation_idnumberThe unique identifier that Environment Canada has assigned to the weather monitoring station.
Station Namestation_nametextThe name and/or location description of the weather station.
Station Provincestation_provincetextThe province where the weather station is located.
Station Latitudestation_latitudenumberThe latitude of the weather station.
Station Longitudestation_longitudenumberThe longitude of the weather station.
LocationlocationlocationThe lat/long (geo coordinates) of the weather station.
Station Elevation (m)station_elevation_mnumberThe elevation in metres (m) refers to the elevation of the observing location above mean sea level. The elevation of each site is given to the nearest metre and is generally the height of ground on which the instruments are exposed.
Station Climate Identifierstation_climate_identifiertextAlso referred to as station ID or station number, the climate ID is a 7 digit number assigned by the Meteorological Service of Canada to a site where official weather observations are taken, and serves as a permanent, unique identifier. The first digit assigned identifies the province where the second and third digits identify the climatological district within the province. When observations are discontinued at a site, the number is not used for subsequent stations (which may, or may not, differ in name) unless it is judged that the records from the earlier and subsequent stations may be combined for most climatological purposes.
Station WMO Identifierstation_wmo_identifiertextA 5-digit number permanently assigned to Canadian stations by the World Meteorological Organization to identify the station internationally. The WMO ID is an international identifier assigned by the Meteorological Service of Canada to standards of the World Meteorological Organization for stations that transmit observations in international meteorological formats in real time.
Station TC Identifierstation_tc_identifiertextThe TC ID is the identifier assigned by Transport Canada to identify meteorological reports from airport observing sites transmitted in real time in aviation formats.
YearyearnumberThe year of the weather data record.
MonthmonthnumberThe month of the weather data record.
DaydaynumberThe day of the month of the weather data record.
Data Qualitydata_qualitytext^ = The value displayed is based on incomplete data † = Data for this day has undergone only preliminary quality checking ‡ = Partner data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
Datedatecalendar_dateThe date of the weather data record.
Maximum Temperature (C)maximum_temperature_cnumberThe highest temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) observed at a location for a specified time interval. For this dataset, the time interval is day.
Minimum Temperature (C)minimum_temperature_cnumberThe lowest temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) observed at a location for a specified time interval. For this dataset, the time interval is day.
Mean Temperature (C)mean_temperature_cnumberThe mean temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) is defined as the average of the maximum and minimum temperature at a location for a specified time interval. For this dataset, the time interval is day.
Heating Degree Days (C)heating_degree_days_cnumberHeating degree-days for a given day are the number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is below 18 °C. If the temperature is equal to or greater than 18 °C, then the number will be zero. For example, a day with a mean temperature of 15.5 °C has 2.5 heating degree-days; a day with a mean temperature of 20.5 °C has zero heating degree-days. Heating degree-days are used primarily to estimate the heating requirements of buildings.
Cooling Degree Days (C)cooling_degree_days_cnumberCooling degree-days for a given day are the number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18 °C. If the temperature is equal to or less than 18 °C, then the number will be zero. For example, a day with a mean temperature of 20.5 °C has 2.5 cooling degree-days; a day with a mean temperature of 15.5 °C has zero cooling degree-days. Cooling degree-days are used primarily to estimate the air-conditioning requirements of buildings.
Total Rain (mm)total_rain_mmnumberThe total rainfall, or amount of all liquid precipitation in millimetres (mm) such as rain, drizzle, freezing rain, and hail, observed at the location during a specified time interval. In this dataset, the time interval is a day.
Total Rain Flagtotal_rain_flagtextA = Accumulated C = Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain E = Estimated F = Accumulated and estimated L = Precipitation may or may not have occurred M = Missing S = More than one occurrence T = Trace
Total Snow (cm)total_snow_cmnumberThe total snowfall, or amount of frozen (solid) precipitation in centimetres (cm), such as snow and ice pellets, observed at the location during a specified time interval. In this dataset, the time interval is a day.
Total Snow Flagtotal_snow_flagtextA = Accumulated C = Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain E = Estimated F = Accumulated and estimated L = Precipitation may or may not have occurred M = Missing S = More than one occurrence T = Trace
Total Precipitation (mm)total_precipitation_mmnumberThe sum of the total rainfall and the water equivalent of the total snowfall in millimetres (mm), observed at the location during a specified time interval. For this dataset, the time interval is day.
Snow on Ground (cm)snow_on_ground_cmnumberThe depth of snow in centimetres (cm) on the ground. The total depth of snow on the ground at the time of the observation is determined in whole centimetres by making a series of measurements and taking the average.
Speed of Maximum Wind Gust (km/h)speed_of_maximum_wind_gust_km_htextThe speed in kilometres per hour (km/h) of the maximum wind gust during the day. The gust is the maximum or peak instantaneous or single reading from the anemometer (the instrument used to observe wind speed) during the day. The duration of a gust typically corresponds to an elapsed time of 3 to 5 seconds.
Direction of Maximum Wind Gust (10s Deg)direction_of_maximum_wind_gust_10s_degnumberThe direction of the maximum gust (true or geographic, not magnetic) from which the wind blows. Expressed in tens of degrees (10's deg), 9 means 90 degrees true or an east wind, and 36 means 360 degrees true or a wind blowing from the geographic north pole. This value is only reported if the maximum gust speed for the day exceeds 29 km/h.