Average Monthly Residential Water Consumption by City Block Area 2017 - Winter

data.edmonton.ca | Last Updated 17 Jul 2019

This dataset provides the average (annual, winter, summer) residential metered water consumption (2017) within 400 m x 400m hexagons (approximately two city blocks) provided in m3/month for the City of Edmonton. Average monthly residential winter water consumption is the average consumption of the following months: January, February, March, April, October, November and December. Average monthly residential summer water consumption is the average consumption of the following months: May, June, July, August and September. Only those hexagons that contain at least ten accounts are illustrated to ensure customer privacy. Residential consumption refers to water used primarily for domestic purposes, where no more than four separate dwelling units are metered by a single water meter. Thematic mapping is based on the following ranges: 0-10 m3/month – orange 10-20 m3/month – green 20-30 m3/month – purple 30-35 m3/month – blue 35-60 m3/month – red 60 m3/month and up – maroon Note: For 2017, there were no areas where the consumption was 60 m3/month and up - thus, the maroon colour would not appear in the legend.

Tags: average monthly residential water consumption, epcor