Front Yards In Bloom Nominations (1999 - 2013) | Last Updated 17 Jun 2021

Shows all addresses that received nominations for the Front Yards in Bloom (FYinB) program. FYinB began in 1999 by the City of Edmonton, Edmonton Horticultural Society, and letter carriers. This shows all nominated addresses, starting in 2006, as well as top addresses from the beginning. Any address can be nominated many times in one year.

Tags: munities, front yards, gardens, landscape, awards, nominations

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
NeighbourhoodneighbourhoodtextNeighbourhood (according to the City of Edmonton) where this address is located.
AddressaddresstextAddress that is nominated. Addresses are submitted by nominators, and human errors are possible.
YearyearnumberYear of Front Yards in Bloom program that the nomination was made. Nominations begin in April and deadline is early July. Dataset includes all nominations from 2006 and forward. Only top addresses are available prior to 2006.
QuadrantquadranttextMailing quadrant of the nominated address. This does not describe the general quadrant of the address, but specifically the mailing address.
WardwardnumberWard where the nominated address is located. Wards as defined in the 2010 municipal election.
CategorycategorytextCategory of the nomination. Most nominations are simply as a "Front Yards in Bloom" nomination. Other specific categories include the "Natural Front Yard" (started 2000) and "Edible Front Yard" (started 2009). Nominations may be assigned to either of thes
Geometry Pointgeometry_pointpoint