ENERGY STAR Certified Large Network Equipment | Last Updated 17 Feb 2022

Certified models meet all ENERGY STAR requirements as listed in the Version 1.1 ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Large Network Equipment that are effective as of March 1, 2016. A detailed listing of key efficiency criteria are available at

Tags: large network equipment

This dataset has the following 223 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ENERGY STAR Unique IDpd_idnumberThe ENERGY STAR Unique ID (ESUID) is a string of seven numbers EPA assigns to an ENERGY STAR model or set of models with unique performance characteristics. This ESUID is unique to both the model and product specification version and is assigned by EPA upon receipt of certification information from the certification body. Each row within the product list will have a unique ESUID. Developers may wish to use this ESUID to track information on certified models in their information systems.
ENERGY STAR Partnerenergy_star_partnertextAn organization that signed a Partnership Agreement with EPA to manufacture or private label ENERGY STAR qualified products.
Brand Namebrand_nametextAn identifier assigned by the manufacturer or private labeler to a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes.
Model Namemodel_nametextAn identifier assigned by the manufacturer or private labeler to a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes.
Model Numbermodel_numbertextA distinguishing, alphanumeric identifier, assigned to a product by the manufacturer or private labeler. The model number may include a wildcard that can be replaced by any letter or digit and still accurately capture what is covered by the model’s ENERGY STAR certification; an asterisk symbol (*) represents a letter, and a number symbol (#) a digit.
Additional Model Informationadditional_model_informationtextThis column includes for the qualified model or family, family members, additional model names, model numbers and other identifying information associated with a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes. Other identifying information includes, but is not limited to, SKUs, UPC codes, retail numbers, and/or descriptions of models included/not included in the reported Model Family.
UPCupctextUPC codes provided by partners for ENERGY STAR certified products. The brand, model name and model number continue to serve as the identifiers used to establish certification. The UPC code data below is intended to aid in identification of ENERGY STAR models. UPC code data is not provided for all certified models.
Product Typeproduct_typetextThe type of large network equipment defined by function.
Product Classificationproduct_classificationtextProduct classification of fixed or modular.
Product Characteristicsproduct_characteristicstextProduct characteristics include processor managed, network managed and/or stackable.
Single LNE Productsingle_lne_producttextIndicates yes if certification is for a single LNE product. For the purposes of data collection, fixed configurations are considered single.
Modular Product Familymodular_product_familytextIndicates yes if certification is for a modular product family.
End-user Configurable Power Management Featuresend_user_configurable_power_management_featurestextList of all available end-user configurable power management features.
Software/Firmware Versionsoftware_firmware_versiontextVersion of software/firmware as tested.
Connection Topology Used During Variable Load Testconnection_topology_used_during_variable_load_testtextConnection topology used during test includes partial mesh, full mesh, and/or snaked.
Model Number of Compatible Modular Chassis that Meet ENERGY STAR Criteriamodel_number_of_compatible_modular_chassis_that_meet_energy_star_criteriatextModel number of compatible modular chassis that meet energy star criteria.
Maximum Number Modular Slotsmaximum_number_modular_slotsnumberMaximum number modular slots.
Model Number of Compatible Modular Modules that Meet ENERGY STAR Criteriamodel_number_of_compatible_modular_modules_that_meet_energy_star_criteriatextModel number of compatible modular modules that meet energy star criteria.
Min Power Config Model Number or Config IDmin_power_config_model_number_or_config_idtextMinimum power configuration model number or Configuration ID
Min Power Config Modular Chassis Namemin_power_config_modular_chassis_nametextMinimum power configuration modular chassis name
Min Power Config Modular Chassis Model Numbermin_power_config_modular_chassis_model_numbertextMinimum power configuration modular chassis model number
Min Power Config Number of Downlink Portsmin_power_config_number_of_downlink_portsnumberMinimum power configuration number of downlink ports
Min Power Config Speed of Downlink Portsmin_power_config_speed_of_downlink_portsnumberMinimum power configuration speed of downlink ports
Min Power Config Downlink Port Typemin_power_config_downlink_port_typetextMinimum power configuration downlink port type
Min Power Config Number of Uplink Portsmin_power_config_number_of_uplink_portsnumberMinimum power configuration number of uplink ports
Min Power Config Speed of Uplink Portsmin_power_config_speed_of_uplink_portsnumberMinimum power configuration speed of uplink ports
Min Power Config Uplink Port Typemin_power_config_uplink_port_typetextMinimum power configuration uplink port type
Min Power Config Total Number of Uplink and Downlink Portsmin_power_config_total_number_of_uplink_and_downlink_portsnumberMinimum power configuration total number of uplink and downlink ports
Min Power Config Total Number of PoE Ports Supportedmin_power_config_total_number_of_poe_ports_supportednumberMinimum power configuration total number of Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports supported
Min Power Config Maximum PoE Class Supportedmin_power_config_maximum_poe_class_supportednumberMinimum power configuration maximum poe class supported
Min Power Config Max Total PoE Power Supported (W)min_power_config_max_total_poe_power_supported_wnumberMinimum power configuration max total Power over Ethernet (PoE) power supported, in watts
Min Power Config Additional Built-in Interface Portsmin_power_config_additional_built_in_interface_portsnumberMinimum power configuration additional built-in interface ports
Min Power Config EEE Capability on All Copper Portsmin_power_config_eee_capability_on_all_copper_portstextMinimum power configuration Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) capability on all copper based physical network ports
Min Power Config Redundant Power Supplymin_power_config_redundant_power_supplytextIndicates if the power supply unit (PSU) is redundant capable
Min Power Config Power Supply Typemin_power_config_power_supply_typetextMinimum power configuration power supply type
Min Power Config Power Supply Manufacturermin_power_config_power_supply_manufacturertextMinimum power configuration power supply manufacturer
Min Power Config Power Supply Model Namemin_power_config_power_supply_model_nametextMinimum power configuration power supply model name
Min Power Config Power Supply Model Numbermin_power_config_power_supply_model_numbertextMinimum power configuration power supply model number
Min Power Config Power Supply Rated Output (W)min_power_config_power_supply_rated_output_wnumberMinimum power configuration power supply rated output (watts)
Min Power Config Number Power Suppliesmin_power_config_number_power_suppliesnumberMinimum power configuration number of power supplies
Min Power Config Number of PSUs for Redundancymin_power_config_number_of_psus_for_redundancynumberMinimum power configuration number of PSUs for redundancy
Min Power Config PSU 80Plus Certification Statusmin_power_config_psu_80plus_certification_statustextIndicates if the power supply is 80Plus Silver Certified or better. N/A indicates that the power supply meets certification efficiency requirements but is not 80Plus certified
Min Power Config Test Voltagemin_power_config_test_voltagetextIndicates the voltage at which the unit is tested
Min Power Config Test Frequencymin_power_config_test_frequencynumberMinimum power configuration test frequency
Min Power Config Variable Load Energy Efficiency Testmin_power_config_variable_load_energy_efficiency_testtext
Min Power Config Full-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)min_power_config_full_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Full-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_full_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Full-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_full_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Half-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)min_power_config_half_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Half-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_half_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Half-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_half_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Full Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_modular_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Modular Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)min_power_config_modular_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #1 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_1_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #2 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_2_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #3 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_3_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #4 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_4_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #5 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_5_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #6 (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_6_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Modular Aggregate Maximum Throughput (Gb/s)min_power_config_modular_aggregate_maximum_throughput_gb_snumber
Min Power Config Module #1 Model Namemin_power_config_module_1_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #1 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_1_model_numbertext
Min Power Config Module #2 Model Namemin_power_config_module_2_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #2 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_2_model_numbertext
Min Power Config Module #3 Model Namemin_power_config_module_3_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #3 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_3_model_numbertext
Min Power Config Module #4 Model Namemin_power_config_module_4_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #4 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_4_model_numbertext
Min Power Config Module #5 Model Namemin_power_config_module_5_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #5 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_5_model_numbertext
Min Power Config Module #6 Model Namemin_power_config_module_6_model_nametext
Min Power Config Module #6 Model Numbermin_power_config_module_6_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Model Number or Config IDmax_power_config_model_number_or_config_idtext
Max Power Config Modular Chassis Namemax_power_config_modular_chassis_nametext
Max Power Config Modular Chassis Model Numbermax_power_config_modular_chassis_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Number of Downlink Portsmax_power_config_number_of_downlink_portsnumber
Max Power Config Speed of Downlink Portsmax_power_config_speed_of_downlink_portsnumber
Max Power Config Downlink Port Typemax_power_config_downlink_port_typetext
Max Power Config Number of Uplink Portsmax_power_config_number_of_uplink_portsnumber
Max Power Config Speed of Uplink Portsmax_power_config_speed_of_uplink_portsnumber
Max Power Config Uplink Port Typemax_power_config_uplink_port_typetext
Max Power Config Total Number of Uplink and Downlink Portsmax_power_config_total_number_of_uplink_and_downlink_portsnumber
Max Power Config Total Number of PoE Ports Supportedmax_power_config_total_number_of_poe_ports_supportednumber
Max Power Config Maximum PoE Class Supportedmax_power_config_maximum_poe_class_supportednumber
Max Power Config Max Total PoE Power Supported (W)max_power_config_max_total_poe_power_supported_wnumber
Max Power Config Additional Built-in Interface Portsmax_power_config_additional_built_in_interface_portsnumber
Max Power Config EEE Capability on All Copper Portsmax_power_config_eee_capability_on_all_copper_portstext
Max Power Config Redundant Power Supplymax_power_config_redundant_power_supplytext
Max Power Config Power Supply Typemax_power_config_power_supply_typetext
Max Power Config Power Supply Manufacturermax_power_config_power_supply_manufacturertext
Max Power Config Power Supply Model Namemax_power_config_power_supply_model_nametext
Max Power Config Power Supply Model Numbermax_power_config_power_supply_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Power Supply Rated Output (W)max_power_config_power_supply_rated_output_wnumber
Max Power Config Number Power Suppliesmax_power_config_number_power_suppliesnumber
Max Power Config Number of PSUs for Redundancymax_power_config_number_of_psus_for_redundancynumberMaximum power configuration number of PSUs for redundancy
Max Power Config PSU 80Plus Certification Statusmax_power_config_psu_80plus_certification_statustextIndicates if the power supply is 80Plus Silver Certified or better. N/A indicates that the power supply meets certification efficiency requirements but is not 80Plus certified
Max Power Config Test Voltagemax_power_config_test_voltagetextIndicates the voltage at which the unit is tested
Max Power Config Test Frequencymax_power_config_test_frequencynumber
Max Power Config Energy Efficiency Testmax_power_config_energy_efficiency_testtext
Max Power Config Full-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)max_power_config_full_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Full-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_full_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Full-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_full_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Half-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)max_power_config_half_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Half-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_half_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Half-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_half_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Full Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_modular_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Modular Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)max_power_config_modular_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #1 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_1_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #2 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_2_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #3 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_3_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #4 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_4_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #5 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_5_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #6 (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_6_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Modular Aggregate Maximum Throughput (Gb/s)max_power_config_modular_aggregate_maximum_throughput_gb_snumber
Max Power Config Module #1 Model Namemax_power_config_module_1_model_nametext
Max Power Config Module #1 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_1_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Module #2 Model Namemax_power_config_module_2_model_nametext
Max Power Config Module #2 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_2_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Module #3 Model Namemax_power_config_module_3_model_nametext
Max Power Config Module #3 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_3_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Module #4 Model Namemax_power_config_module_4_model_nametextMaximum power configuration module #4 model name
Max Power Config Module #4 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_4_model_numbertextMaximum power configuration module #4 model number
Max Power Config Module #5 Model Namemax_power_config_module_5_model_nametext
Max Power Config Module #5 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_5_model_numbertext
Max Power Config Module #6 Model Namemax_power_config_module_6_model_nametext
Max Power Config Module #6 Model Numbermax_power_config_module_6_model_numbertext
Typ Power Config Model Number or Config IDtyp_power_config_model_number_or_config_idtext
Typ Power Config Modular Chassis Nametyp_power_config_modular_chassis_nametext
Typ Power Config Modular Chassis Model Numbertyp_power_config_modular_chassis_model_numbertext
Typ Power Config Number of Downlink Portstyp_power_config_number_of_downlink_portsnumberTypical/single power configuration number of downlink ports
Typ Power Config Speed of Downlink Portstyp_power_config_speed_of_downlink_portsnumberTypical/single power configuration speed of downlink ports
Typ Power Config Downlink Port Typetyp_power_config_downlink_port_typetextTypical/single power configuration downlink port type
Typ Power Config Number of Uplink Portstyp_power_config_number_of_uplink_portsnumberTypical/single power configuration number of uplink ports
Typ Power Config Speed of Uplink Portstyp_power_config_speed_of_uplink_portsnumberTypical/single power configuration speed of uplink ports
Typ Power Config Uplink Port Typetyp_power_config_uplink_port_typetextTypical/single power configuration uplink port type
Typ Power Config Total Number of Uplink and Downlink Portstyp_power_config_total_number_of_uplink_and_downlink_portsnumber
Typ Power Config Total Number of PoE Ports Supportedtyp_power_config_total_number_of_poe_ports_supportednumberTypical/single power configuration total number of Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports supported
Typ Power Config Maximum PoE Class Supportedtyp_power_config_maximum_poe_class_supportednumber
Typ Power Config Max Total PoE Power Supported (W)typ_power_config_max_total_poe_power_supported_wnumberTypical/single power configuration max total Power over Ethernet (PoE) power supported, in watts
Typ Power Config Additional Built-in Interface Portstyp_power_config_additional_built_in_interface_portsnumber
Typ Power Config EEE Capability on All Copper Portstyp_power_config_eee_capability_on_all_copper_portstext
Typ Power Config Redundant Power Supplytyp_power_config_redundant_power_supplytext
Typ Power Config Power Supply Typetyp_power_config_power_supply_typetextTypical/Single power configuration power supply type
Typ Power Config Power Supply Manufacturertyp_power_config_power_supply_manufacturertextTypical/Single power configuration power supply manufacturer
Typ Power Config Power Supply Model Nametyp_power_config_power_supply_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration power supply model name
Typ Power Config Power Supply Model Numbertyp_power_config_power_supply_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration power supply model number
Typ Power Config Power Supply Rated Output (W)typ_power_config_power_supply_rated_output_wnumberTypical/Single power configuration power supply rated output (watts)
Typ Power Config Number Power Suppliestyp_power_config_number_power_suppliesnumberTypical/Single power configuration number of power supplies
Typ Power Config Number of PSUs for Redundancytyp_power_config_number_of_psus_for_redundancynumberTypical/Single power configuration number of PSUs for redundancy
Typ Power Config PSU 80Plus Certification Statustyp_power_config_psu_80plus_certification_statustextIndicates if the power supply is 80Plus Silver Certified or better. N/A indicates that the power supply meets certification efficiency requirements but is not 80Plus certified
Typ Power Config Test Voltagetyp_power_config_test_voltagetextIndicates the voltage at which the unit is tested
Typ Power Config Test Frequencytyp_power_config_test_frequencynumberTypical/Single power configuration test frequency
Typ Power Config Energy Efficiency Testtyp_power_config_energy_efficiency_testtextTypical/Single power configuration variable load energy efficiency test
Typ Power Config Full-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)typ_power_config_full_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port Typical/Single non-drop rate (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Full-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_full_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port full load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Full-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_full_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port full load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port 30 percent load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Full-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_full_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port 30 percent load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port very low util throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Full-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_full_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration full-port very low util power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Half-port Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)typ_power_config_half_port_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port Typical/Single non-drop rate (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Half-port Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_half_port_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port full load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Half-port Full Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_half_port_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port full load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port 30 percent load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Half-port 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_half_port_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port 30 percent load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port very low util throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Half-port Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_half_port_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration half-port very low util power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Full Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_full_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular full load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Full Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_modular_full_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration modular full load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular 30 percent load throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular 30 Percent Load Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_modular_30_percent_load_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration modular 30 percent load power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Modular Very Low Util Throughput Applied (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_very_low_util_throughput_applied_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular very low util throughput applied (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Very Low Util Power Measured (watts)typ_power_config_modular_very_low_util_power_measured_wattsnumberTypical/Single power configuration modular very low util power measured (watts)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #1 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_1_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #1 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #2 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_2_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #2 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #3 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_3_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #3 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #4 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_4_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #4 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #5 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_5_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #5 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Maximum Non-Drop Rate for MUT #6 (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_maximum_non_drop_rate_for_mut_6_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular Typical/Single non-drop rate for MUT #6 (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Modular Aggregate Maximum Throughput (Gb/s)typ_power_config_modular_aggregate_maximum_throughput_gb_snumberTypical/Single power configuration modular aggregate Typical/Single throughput (Gb/s)
Typ Power Config Module #1 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_1_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #1 model name
Typ Power Config Module #1 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_1_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #1 model number
Typ Power Config Module #2 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_2_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #2 model name
Typ Power Config Module #2 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_2_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #2 model number
Typ Power Config Module #3 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_3_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #3 model name
Typ Power Config Module #3 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_3_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #3 model number
Typ Power Config Module #4 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_4_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #4 model name
Typ Power Config Module #4 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_4_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #4 model number
Typ Power Config Module #5 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_5_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #5 model name
Typ Power Config Module #5 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_5_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #5 model number
Typ Power Config Module #6 Model Nametyp_power_config_module_6_model_nametextTypical/Single power configuration module #6 model name
Typ Power Config Module #6 Model Numbertyp_power_config_module_6_model_numbertextTypical/Single power configuration module #6 model number
Date Available on Marketdate_available_on_marketcalendar_dateThe date that the model is available for purchase.
Date Certifieddate_certifiedcalendar_dateThe date on which the product was confirmed to meet the ENERGY STAR specification.
MarketsmarketstextIncludes products sold in the U.S. and/or Canada and other ENERGY STAR partner countries.
CB Model Identifiercb_model_identifiertextA unique string of characters assigned by certification bodies (CBs) to identify a model or set of models with the same performance characteristics. This identifier should remain the same for a model even if it is recertified to a new version of an ENERGY STAR specification. This string of characters is determined by CBs and is not the ENERGY STAR Unique ID assigned by EPA.