ENERGY STAR Certified Storm Windows | Last Updated 13 Jul 2022

Certified models meet all ENERGY STAR requirements as listed in the Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Storm Windows that are effective as of September 5, 2018. A detailed listing of key efficiency criteria are available at

Tags: storm windows

This dataset has the following 30 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ENERGY STAR Unique IDpd_idnumberThe ENERGY STAR Unique ID (ESUID) is a string of seven numbers EPA assigns to an ENERGY STAR model or set of models with unique performance characteristics. This ESUID is unique to both the model and product specification version and is assigned by EPA upon receipt of certification information from the certification body. Each row within the product list will have a unique ESUID. Developers may wish to use this ESUID to track information on certified models in their information systems.
ENERGY STAR Partnerenergy_star_partnertextAn organization that signed a Partnership Agreement with EPA to manufacture or private label ENERGY STAR qualified products.
Brand Namebrand_nametextAn identifier assigned by the manufacturer or private labeler to a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes.
Model Namemodel_nametextAn identifier assigned by the manufacturer or private labeler to a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes.
Model Numbermodel_numbertextA distinguishing, alphanumeric identifier, assigned to a product by the manufacturer or private labeler. The model number may include a wildcard that can be replaced by any letter or digit and still accurately capture what is covered by the model’s ENERGY STAR certification; an asterisk symbol (*) represents a letter, and a number symbol (#) a digit.
Additional Model Informationadditional_model_informationtextThis column includes for the qualified model or family, family members, additional model names, model numbers and other identifying information associated with a product or family/series of products for sales and marketing purposes. Other identifying information includes, but is not limited to, SKUs, UPC codes, retail numbers, and/or descriptions of models included/not included in the reported Model Family.
UPCupctextUPC codes provided by partners for ENERGY STAR certified products. The brand, model name and model number continue to serve as the identifiers used to establish certification. The UPC code data below is intended to aid in identification of ENERGY STAR models. UPC code data is not provided for all certified models.
Product Typeproduct_typetextWhether the product is an Exterior or Interior Storm Window product.
ENERGY STAR Storm Window Zoneenergy_star_storm_windowtextThe storm window is only considered ENERGY STAR certified when installed in this climate zone. Climate zones share general climatic conditions, such as the number of heating days and cooling days, and are indicated by a shaded area on the ENERGY STAR storm window label.
Operator typeoperator_typetextHow the window opens and closes.
Number of tracksnumber_of_trackstextThe number of tracks of the storm window.
Frame Materialframe_materialtextThe material used for the frame of the storm window.
Frame Finished (painted or coated)frame_finished_painted_ortextIs the frame painted or coated?
Glazing Materialglazing_materialtextThe material used for the window (generally glass, coated glass, or plastic).
Number of glazing layersnumber_of_glazing_layersnumberNumber of layers of glass or plastic used for the storm window. Most storm windows use one glazing layer.
EmissivityemissivitynumberThe ability of the storm window to reflect heat inside instead of emitting outside. Emissivity ranges from 0 to 1, with a lower value reflecting more heat and being more efficient.
Solar Transmittancesolar_transmittancenumberThe amount of solar energy (heat) that passes through the storm window. Solar transmittance ranges from 0 to 1. Generally, higher solar transmittance values are preferable in colder climates and lower values are preferable in warmer climates.
AERC 1.2 Air Leakage Ratingaerc_1_2_air_leakage_ratingnumberThe rate of air passing through the storm window when mounted over a calibrated panel, expressed in cubic feet per minute per square foot (cfm/ft2). Lower air leakage ratings mean that less air passes through the storm window.
Screen includedscreen_includedtextIs a screen included in the standard version of this storm window model?
Screen Sizescreen_sizetextAmount of the total opening covered by the screen.
Weep Holesweep_holestextFeature that allows moisture to escape from between the storm window and primary window.
Alternate Moisture Managementalternate_moisture_managementtextThe storm window's moisture management system. Please note, a moisture management system is not required for ENERGY STAR certified interior storm windows.
Weather Stripping includedweather_stripping_includedtextWhether or not weather stripping is included with this product.
Thermal breaks for metal frame mounting includedthermal_breaks_for_metaltextWhether or not thermal breaks for metal frame mounting is included with this product.
Manufacturer Warrantymanufacturer_warrantytextWhether or not the manufacturer offers a warranty for this product.
Manufacturer Warranty Periodmanufacturer_warranty_periodtextThe length of the warranty period after purchase.
Date Available on the marketdate_available_on_the_markettextThe date that the model is available for purchase.
Date Certifieddate_certifiedtextThe date on which the product was confirmed to meet the ENERGY STAR specification.
MarketsmarketstextThis list/dataset includes products sold in the U.S..
CB Model Identifierenergy_star_model_identifiertextA unique string of characters assigned by certification bodies (CBs) to identify a model or set of models with the same performance characteristics. This identifier should remain the same for a model even if it is recertified to a new version of an ENERGY STAR specification. This string of characters is determined by CBs and is not the ENERGY STAR Unique ID assigned by EPA.