Dangerous Buildings List

data.kcmo.org | Last Updated 10 May 2023

Updated daily. Dangerous Buildings are scored according to several objective criteria. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the City will be forced to demolish the property, and the shorter the timeline the property owner has to avoid this. Non-emergency cases start with the owner being given a 30 day Order to Repair or Demolish.

Tags: neighborhood, dangerous buildings, demolition, property, bdkc

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
Case NumbercasenumbertextThe case number, currently a Service Order in PeopleSoft CRM. 7 digits, sequential, may not be blank.
AddressaddresstextThe physical address of the dangerous building. May be approximate or a range, for example '2010-2012 Agnes'.
ZIP Codezip_codetextThe ZIP Code of the dangerous building. May be blank if unknown.
Case Openedcase_openedcalendar_dateWhen was the City's case against the dangerous building opened. There may have been earlier cases in other departments.
PINpinnumberThe Parcel Identification Number (formerly called KIVAPIN) of the parcel on which the dangerous building resides. Unique.
Status of Casestatusofcasetext
LocationlocationlocationFull address of the dangerous building, with City, State, and ZIP.